It's Time to Protect Organic Integrity! - Moms Across America

It's Time to Protect Organic Integrity!

We want to make sure you are fully informed about the important issues being raised at the National Organic Standards Board meeting in April.

YOU can comment until 3月 30.

Please see this excellent email from our friends at Beyond Pesticides:


It's Time to Protect Organic Integrity!

Comment Period Open Now Until 3月 30!

Make your voice heard and submit comments NOW on allowed materials in organic production! The National Organic Standards Board (NOSB) meeting dates for spring 2017 have been announced and public comments are due by 3月 30. Let’s not let USDA roll back the tremendous progress we've made in creating an organic food production system.

Beyond Pesticides is providing you with our positions which you can use as the basis for your comments. NOSB proposals were scheduled to be made available to the public on 3月 1, allowing 30 days for the public to formulate responses before the comment period closes. As of this writing, the proposals have still not been published, but much can be inferred from subcommittee notespetition materials, and past experience.

Please feel free to develop your own comments or cut and paste ours. If you cut and paste our comments into regulations.govplease first put a personal note of concern in order to reflect the importance of these issues to you as an organic consumer, farmer or other concerned party.

Some of the major issues before the spring 2017 National Organic Standards Board include:

Please go to Beyond Pesticides’ Keeping Organic Strong webpage to learn more about these and other substantive issues, and to provide a unique public comment to the NOSB.

For those who have already submitted comments, thank you! We hope you will share this with a friend. Thank you for helping to protect and uphold organic integrity!

Thank you to Beyond Pesticides for their decades of research and work.
Thank you for your partnership in safe, healthy food and planet!

Zen and MAA Team



