Higher Levels of Glyphosate Detected in Wine and Beer - Moms Across America


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邪魔 ニュースは本日、米国Pirgによってリリースされました 人気のワインとビールのグリホサートのレベルがテスト結果よりも高いことを示しています   2017でコミッションされたアメリカのママ 。これらの結果は、グリホサートベースの除草剤(GBH)を禁止しなければならないことを明確に示しています。グリホサート除草剤は癌やその他の多くの深刻な健康影響を引き起こす可能性があることを農民は2015以来知っているという事実にもかかわらず、彼らは穀物に乾燥剤としてGBHを散布し続けています。 US EPAがそうすることは安全だと言っているからです。    34か国が 禁止された または 制限された グリホサート、しかし米国。

請願書に署名する  USPirg  テストするためにUSDAに ここにグリホサート。

ビールとワインの汚染は、Friends of the Earthの呼びかけに加わり、今日または明日、地元のクロガー所有の食料品店に行くもう1つの大きな理由です( あなたの地元の食料品店を見つけるには、クローガーの所有者がここにいます) 有害な農薬を含む製品の販売をやめるように依頼してください!についての詳細をご覧ください ここで行動を呼びかけます。

全文を読む USPirgが報告し、ここで行動を起こします。


The test results very sadly showed that some of the organic wine and beer brands tested were also positive for glyphosate. This is by no fault of their own. Organic wine and beer manufacturers are not allowed to and do not use glyphosate on their crops. Any amount of glyphosate showing up in any organic product is most likely by contamination through the soil, irrigation water, drift or rain. There is, of course, the chance that the organic manufacturers are being lied to by their suppliers that their ingredients are organic. Such fraud has been exposed in the past and has been heavily fined. However, the conventional farmers that continue to freely use these toxic chemicals and sell them to conventional beer and wine manufacturers are not fined. Ironic isn't it?

Call or email your representative today and tell them that glyphosate herbicides must be banned!

We hope you saw this news last week that is worth mentioning again.

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A new Friends of the Earth collaborative study shows that people who consumed organic food versus conventional had 60.5% less toxic pesticides in their bodies in just six days. This is great news! This means that it does make a difference to eat organic, even despite low levels of contamination in organic which can (but does not always) occur.  Watch their short video here.

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Considering that a new study also shows that exposure to glyphosate herbicides resulted in a 41% increase of non-Hodgkin Lymphoma, I would say that it is worth it to buy organic, wouldn't you?



