GMO and Glyphosate News Oct - Moms Across America


Moms Connect Callの月曜日の夜10月 29, 2018で、次のニュースについて議論しまた。あなたが見ることができます ここでの議論。 そして、以下の記事を確認してください。あなたがすることを願っています 次回ご参加ください!  


有機食品のみを食べることで農薬を削減すると、がんリスクが最大86パーセント削減される可能性があります。 新しい研究 クレーム。

記事全文について ここをクリック


Bombshell New Study Calls for Ban On Pesticide Family Tied To Brain Damage In Kids

The entire family of widely used pesticides known as organophosphates causes brain damage in children even at low levels of exposure ― and should be phased out.

For full article click here

New EWG Tests Find Glyphosate in All Kids’ Cereals Sampled

A second round of tests commissioned by the Environmental Working Group found the active ingredient in Monsanto’s Roundup weed killer in every sample of popular oat-based cereal and other oat-based food marketed to children. These test results fly in the face of claims by two companies, Quaker and General Mills, which have said there is no reason for concern. This is because, they say, their products meet the legal standards.

For full article click here

Throwing nature under the bus: GMO bees and Robo-bees

Robotic bees could pollinate plants in case of insect apocalypse”, ran a recent Guardian headline reporting how Dutch scientists believe they will be able to create swarms of bee-like drones to pollinate plants when the real-life insects have died away

For full article click here



GOOD NEWS! Glyphosate herbicide sales banned in Punjab, India

Manufacturers, marketers, and dealers in Punjab will not be allowed to sell the chemical or its formulations and sellers will have to return unused stock.

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For full article click here

GMO Whistleblower! Genetic engineer renounces his GMO potatoes

Dr. Rommens says his GMO potatoes, which he calls “Pandora’s Potatoes”, pose health risks. Scientists and medics explain the issues.

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For full article click here

 TAKE ACTION: Tell Florida’s Natural: Orange Juice with Roundup®️ Weedkiller Isn’t ‘Natural’

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  • Florida's Natural に電話する: 1-888-657-6600
  • Tweet @FloridasNatural #Glyphosate is #NotNatural. Please stop using glyphosate contaminated oranges in your orange juice!
  • Or @FloridasNatural Orange Juice with #Roundup®️ Weedkiller Isn’t ‘Natural’









