Food Solutions in Challenging Times - Moms Across America

Food Solutions in Challenging Times

Are you concerned about food shortage?

Food waste?

Lack of nutrients in our American food supply?

Do you want shelf-stable organic food?

We have solutions for you and your community!

Check out this interview John Steven Bianucci of Iroquois Valley Farms and David Rose of Just One Organics for a dose of inspiration and hope!

Visit Iroquois Valley Farms to start investing or invite your colleagues to invest in organic farming and increases access to local organic, nutrient-dense food.

Visit Just One Organics to get your delicious and nutrient-dense food crystals that prevent organic food waste and provide a long-term, organic, shelf-stable solution!

We are SO excited about these solutions! 

Please help us get the word out by sharing this video and links!

Together we CAN create healthy communities!

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  • 禅ハニーカット
    published this page in ブログ 2020-06-17 16:30:40 -0400

