From our friends at Food & Water Watch
For Immediate Release
In a first-of-its-kind decision, a federal court in California ruled yesterday that the Environmental Protection Agency (EPA) must strengthen regulation of fluoride in drinking water across the country. The court found that scientific evidence of fluoride’s health risks when ingested at levels currently prescribed for drinking water – especially to the developing brains of infants – requires stricter regulation of the chemical’s presence in drinking water under the Toxic Substances Control Act. The ruling could have a significant impact on the widespread, long-held practice of adding fluoride to drinking water in the United States. Currently more than 200 million Americans, or about 75 percent of the population, drink fluoridated water.
The case that was decided, Food & Water Watch Inc. v. EPA, came about after the EPA denied a 2016 petition calling for the agency to ban or limit the fluoridation of drinking water. Food & Water Watch and several co-petitioners subsequently sued the EPA to compel action based on the mounting scientific evidence of toxicity when fluoride is ingested.
In response, Food & Water Watch Executive Director Wenonah Hauter issued the following statement:
“Today’s ruling represents an important acknowledgement of a large and growing body of science indicating serious human health risks associated with fluoridated drinking water. This court looked at the science and acted accordingly. Now the EPA must respond by implementing new regulations that adequately protect all Americans – especially our most vulnerable infants and children – from this known health threat.”
Press Contact: Seth Gladstone [email protected]
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