


Written by Theresa Church and Ruddy Turnstone

chestnut.png「直火で焼く栗」の季節が近づいていますが、遺伝子組み換えアメリカンクリ(GE AC)パブリックコメント期間が間近に迫っています。 GE ACの商用化の要求は、承認されれば、野生への前例のない肥沃なGMO植物の放出を可能にする「大規模で不可逆的な森林実験」と呼ばれています。

このアメリカの栗は、アジアから1900前後にアメリカに持ち込まれた胴枯れ病に耐えるように設計されています。野生に放出された場合、それを思い出すことはできません。 GE ACツリーの無制限の森林への放出を許可する要求は拒否する必要があります。


ニューヨーク州立大学環境科学森林学部(SUNY ESF)のウィリアムパウエル研究員と彼のチームは、抗生物質耐性遺伝子とシュウ酸オキシダーゼ酵(OxO)遺伝子を含む一連の遺伝子により、クリへの胴枯れ病抵抗性を作り出しました小麦から。これが安全であることを証明するのに十分なテストが行われていません。実際、これらの木、それらの花粉または種子が森林、野生生物または人間の健康に及ぼす長期的なリスクの評価はありません。

Forests are incredibly complex. From the soils to the canopy tops, there is a highly sophisticated balance of interdependent relationships and interactions that science still has yet to understand. This is one of many reasons why GE forest trees are exceptionally risky. The impacts to these ecosystems cannot be predicted, especially in the long-term. Testing young chestnut saplings for proof of safety and effectiveness, as researchers have done, is not sufficient for trees that can live hundreds of years. Also, indoor and extremely controlled outdoor testing does not replicate how a tree will interact and react in the wild. Pollen can travel for many miles, transported by wind, insects or animals. Remaining wild American chestnuts, and organic or non-GMO chestnut orchards are threatened (pg. 6) with contamination by GE AC pollen. Additionally, impacts on human health from inhaling GE AC pollen are unknown.

A White Paper released this year highlights concerns regarding the GE AC,including Indigenous perspectives. The paper cites concerns in regard to the application of the UN’s requirement of Free, Prior and Informed Consent regarding their territories:

「GE ACのリリースが提案されている地域の先住民は、GEツリーの規制されていない配布が、領土をGMOフリーに保つという主権を侵害するという懸念を表明しています。解放された場合、GEアメリカの栗は制御されずに広がり、領土の境界を尊重しません。」

Numerous proponents of GE technology have characterized the American chestnut as an iconic species in order to change the public’s perception of genetic engineering. Jason Delborne, an associate professor of science, policy and society at North Carolina State University explains:


Delbourne served on a National Academies of Science, Engineering and Medicine committee which released a report this year on the use of biotechnology for forest health. Two of the key points in the report are that more studies are needed (pg. 6), and that the USDA has no guidelines to assess the risks of GE trees.


GE Tree合法化のためのトロイの木馬としてのGE American Chestnut

If deregulated, the GE AC opens the door to industrial plantation GE trees, such as eucalyptus, poplar and pine. Approval of GE eucalyptus plantations in the US South, for example, could lead to forest fires and droughts, as eucalyptus is highly flammable and water sucking. GE eucalyptus and GE poplar are both in the research phases for biofuel, biomass and pulp. Southern US forests are already under intense logging, as whole forests are chipped for wood pellets and shipped to the EU as “renewable energy”. Per unit of energy, biomass emits more CO2 than coal. Eucalyptus is also being promoted for biomass, and scientists have been working for years to engineer poplar for cellulosic biofuels, which like biomass, requires vast areas of land to meet current energy demands. As of today, increased demands for biofuels have already fueled deadly conflicts over land in Indonesia. These and other issues will only exacerbate if other industrial GE trees are approved.

Anne Petermann, Executive Director of Global Justice Ecology Project, analyzed the funders of the GEAC from Powell’s own website and TACF IRS reports. She uncovered that corporate backers including ArborGen, Monsanto, and Duke Energy, along with corporate-backed consortia like the Forest Health Initiative, had funded 40.21% of the work between 2008-2017. Monsanto also helped SUNY ESF’s American Chestnut Project prepare for the federal review process to deregulate the GE AC. For this and many more reasons it is critical for us to organize against the release of the GE AC.


In a world where we are fighting to protect our families, our communities and our environment, native forests need your support, please sign the petition against the GE AC now.

For Key References and Other Ways to Get Involved, See Our:




教会は、ナロパ大学のMAレジリエントリーダーシッププログラムの2019卒業生で、気候正義の研究に集中しています。彼女はニューヨークのフィンガーレイクス地域出身で、現在バッファローにいます。 [email protected]

Ruddy Turnstoneは、Global Justice Ecology Project(GJEP)のGEツリー運動家であり、GEツリーの運営委員会を停止するキャンペーンに参加しています。彼女は遺伝子組み換えの木を世界的、全国的、地域的に商業化から禁止するために働いています。

A mixed-race Desi living in the southeastern so-called U.S., Ruddy also provides climbing for protest trainings for Earth First!, Greenpeace, at Trans and Women’s Action Camps, and tree climbing to the public as recreation. She is also a direct action trainer and has worked with various coalitions on fighting energy infrastructure and biotech projects in “FL” since 2007. [email protected] & [email protected].

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