
Alarming Studies Connect Cell Phone Use to Bone Density Loss and Impaired Healing

ArthurFirstenbergsのニュースレター「 地球と宇宙で5Gを止めるための国際的な訴え、 そうすることを強くお勧めします。


Check out the full article here.

The mainstream media, which major telecom companies fund, has failed to share research proving that electromagnetic radiation causes osteoporosis. A 2016 study in Turkey by Kunt et al. found that electrical workers had significantly lower bone mass density and an increased tendency to severe osteoporosis than a control population. The average age of both groups was 38.

Approximately 10 million Americans have osteoporosis, and another 44 million have low bone density placing them at risk.

Sieroń-Stołtny et al., in an astounding experiment in Poland, kept ten young rats in a plastic cage for 28 days and put one Nokia 5110 mobile phone underneath the cage. The phone operated in silent mode and was only turned on for 15 seconds every half hour between 9:00 a.m. and 1:00 p.m. and again between 2:00 p.m. and 6:00 p.m. In other words, the animals were exposed for four minutes per day for 28 days. Ten control animals were in an identical cage but without a mobile phone beneath it.

At the end of the experiment, the rats were sacrificed and examined. The vertebrae of the exposed rats weighed on average 12.5% less than the vertebrae of the unexposed rats. The leg bones of the exposed rats had, on average, 12.44% less calcium and fractured more easily. Most of the calcium loss occurred during the first week of exposure. Blood analysis also indicated that collagen was lost from the bones.

In 2013, Ahmet Aslan et al. in Turkey exposed 30 five-month-old rats, whose legs had been broken, to mobile phone radiation for 30 minutes per day, five days per week, for eight weeks. At the end of 8 weeks, healing was significantly delayed in the exposed compared to the unexposed rats.

In 2011, Fernando Saraví in Argentina found that carrying a mobile phone on your hip causes osteopenia in that hip. Men who carried their phones on their right hip had lower bone mass density in their right hip than in their left hip. Men who carried their phones on their left hip had lower bone mass density in their left hip.

Marilyn, in California, wrote to Firstenberg, “Despite a strong exercise history and a strong, healthy diet, I have been plagued with two broken hips (femur necks), and a fractured shoulder” since “a cluster of cell towers were installed 100 feet from my bedroom.”  


  • Mainstream media will not tell you that putting your cell phone in your pocket will increase your chance of a broken hip, hip replacement, and possibly death, especially for the elderly.  
  • 主流メディアは、携帯電話を1日わずか4分使用するだけで、子供や家族のカルシウムが 12.44%少なくなり、骨折のリスクが高まり、骨折することを伝えません。
  • 主流のメディアは、携帯電話を1日30分だけ使用すると、治癒が大幅に遅れるということを伝えません。

なんで?主流メディアの広告収入は、AT&T、Verizon、T Mobile、Sprintなどの主要な通信会社によって賄われているためです。これらの企業の目標は、利益を増やすことです。安全な技術を提供することではありません。




3。 Wi-FiとBluetoothの設定が、切断されているだけでなく、電話とデバイスでオフになっていることを確認します。

4. Hardwire your laptop and use your laptop for all video watching, social media, emails, and texting. You can text and do all these things through your laptop! After hardwiring your home, turn your wifi OFF on your router in your home. Click here for hard wiring steps.

5. Educate your employer and schools about the overwhelming high levels of wireless exposure and how they can reduce the exposure to their employees and students. Visit www.TechSafeSchools.org




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    このページを公開しました ブログ 2022-05-25 13:14:28 -0400

