The COVID-19 Vaccines Do Not Benefit Public Health - Moms Across America

COVID- 19ワクチンは公衆衛生に利益をもたらさない


カイル・A・ビーティーによるこの研究のレビューをお願いします。 COVID- 19に関連する死亡および症例に対するワクチン投与の世界的なベイズ因果的影響分析:145国のビッグデータ分析 (PDF版は ここ)。*

調査によると、 COVIDワクチンは100万人あたりより多くのCOVID症例を引き起こします (米国では+ 38%)および COVIDに関連する100万人あたりの死亡数の増加 (米国では+ 31%)。




The study's abstract says:

ワクチン導入後の統計的に有意で圧倒的に正の因果的影響は、従属変数の総死亡数と100万人あたりの総症例数に影響します。 政策立案者にとって非常に問題があるはずです。これらは、COVID- 19関連の症例と、「私たちの自由を取り戻すための鍵」として最初に一般に販売されたワクチンの配備に直接起因する死亡の両方が著しく増加したことを示しています。ワクチンが100万人あたりの総症例数に及ぼす影響と、100人あたりの総ワクチン接種数との正の関連性が低いことは、COVID- 19関連症例の減少に対するワクチンの影響が限定的であることを示しています。これらの結果は 地元の政策立案者がデータに基づいて政策決定を行うことを奨励する、物語ではなく、地域の状況であり、世界的または国家的な義務ではありません。これらの結果はまた、政策立案者が集団予防接種キャンペーン以外のパンデミックから他の道を探すことを奨励するはずです。

In other words, we were and are being lied to by vaccine manufacturers (who are making billions) about the efficacy of the COVID vaccine$.

The COVID-19 vaccines are making our public situation worse, not better. This is why we are not getting ourselves out of the hole. But pharmaceutical profits are soaring!

This is hardly the first study to reach those conclusions. All these studies independently came to the same conclusion — the more you vaccinate, the worse things get.

  1. The Lyons-Weiler paper
  2. The Harvard study
  3. The German study
  4. The Denmark study (which shows Dr. James was right; you have to boost every 30 days to maintain protection.
  5. German government data (this is from The Expose)
  6. 80% of the COVID deaths in the UK are vaccinated

The COVID-19 vaccine is NOT working. It does not prevent transmission, contraction, or death. It causes more harm than good.
*The above data and resources are from Steven Kirsh.

Therefore, the COVID vaccine must not be mandated or permitted an FDA approval, and the Emergency Use authorization must be revoked immediately.

  • As a matter of public safety, we request that our elected officials discontinue any mandate, encouragement, or requirement of vaccine mandates for any county entities or public groups.

Pharmaceutical commercials are misleading the public on mainstream media. Advertising prescription drugs aimed directly at the public is prohibited in most countries, including Canada.

We request that our elected officials propose legislation to prevent pharmaceutical commercials on US television.

Our children are being brainwashed into believing that their bodies and immune system are deficient, that they must have a pharmaceutical injection (which contains toxins) to survive.

  • We ask you to stop allowing or encouraging vaccine clinics in schools.

There must be a separation of pharmaceutical profiteering and our educational system. No amount of money given to the schools will ever justify even one case of myocarditis that harms a child or early death. Not even one.

Israel is the MOST highly vaccinated country per capita.

Mexico is the LEAST vaccinated country per capita

Population of Mexico 2020  128,932,753 
14 X higher than Israel

Israel currently has a 17.48 X HIGHER rate of COVID cases per capita than Mexico despite being the MOST vaccinated country.

The COVID vaccine is not working to prevent transmission of the virus. Therefore mandating the vaccine to prevent transmission or contraction is invalid and does more harm than good.

We ask you to watch Senator Ron Johnson’s COVID: A Second Opinion Hearing on 1月 24, 2022, to learn more, put out a statement of support, and take action.



IMPORTANT NOTE: Meet with or call your representatives about this urgent issue! Download the PDF and print or email it to your local representative.  Alternatively, you can copy and paste the article from our site into an email.



  • アン寺院
    このページを公開しました ブログ 2022-01-25 11:11:25 -0500

