3回目のモンサント総括がん試験の開始3月 25
3月 8, 2019 –カリフォルニア州オークランド-- Pilliod v。Monsanto Company(現在のバイエル)の裁判は、ウィニフレッド・スミス判事の前に、アラメダ郡のカリフォルニア州上級裁判所で月曜日3月 25, 2019のju審員選考から始まります。原告の弁護士は、裁判が約1ヶ月続くと予想している。
Pilliod v. Monsanto is the first case in the California Roundup Judicial Council Coordination Proceedings (JCCP) and the third Roundup cancer case to proceed to trial.
More than 250 Roundup cancer cases are consolidated before Judge Smith as part of the California Roundup JCCP. Plaintiffs in the lawsuit allege exposure to Monsanto’s Roundup weed killer caused them to develop non-Hodgkin lymphoma.
Disturbing news was released today by US Pirg showing even higher levels of glyphosate in popular wine and beer than the test results Moms Across America commissioned in 2017. These results clearly show that glyphosate-based herbicides (GBH) must be banned. Despite the fact that farmers have known since 2015 that glyphosate herbicides can cause cancer and many other serious health effects, they continue to spray GBH as a drying agent on their grain crops. Because the US EPA says it is safe to do so. 34 countries have banned または restricted glyphosate, but not the USA.
Sign the petition from USPirg to the USDA to test for glyphosate here.
The contamination of beer and wines is another great reason to join in the Friends of the Earth call to action and go to your local Kroger-owned Grocery Store this today or tomorrow ( find out of your local grocery store is owned by Kroger's here) and ask them to stop selling products with toxic pesticides in them! Find out more about the call to action here.
Read the full USPirg report and take action here.
Zen Honeycuttによる操作
Mark Ruffalo does not only raise the eyebrows of women around the planet because of his rugged good looks. There is another reason, one that has cropped up in the past few years. One that the media will not describe on CBS Good Morning Show or in the pages of the ��Sexiest Man Alive” articles in Vanity Fair. One that makes casting directors cringe and producers angry.
“Success is the ability to go from failure to failure without losing enthusiasm.”—WINSTON CHURCHILL
私はアメリカを横断する母親、そして本質的に私自身を止められないと宣言したとき、私は宇宙が私にどれだけ投げかけるか見当がつかなかった。私は「止められない」という言葉を使って、お母さんが続けていくように励まし、支援しました。止まるだけでなく押しつぶされることもあると感じることはほとんどありませんでした。カリフォルニア州のGMOにラベルを付けるための投票イニシアチブの推進者であるPamm Larryは、「批判を受ける最も早い方法は何ですか?何かをしなさい。」
I’m a professional organizer. In my professional practice, I help people to simplify so they can focus on the things that matter most: who we love, what we do, how, and why we live… because everything else is just stuff. I help my clients de-clutter and get organized, but all that work is really just a guise for saving the world.
あなたが最もよく使う製品であなたの浴室で始めてください。メイク、シャンプー、ローション、石鹸、歯磨き粉などのようなもの。化学物質や香料を含むものはすべて、切り替えの良い候補です。次に、キッチンとランドリーに移動して、洗剤の在庫を確認します。製品がなくなると着実に移行するか、単に捨ててやり直します。 Amazon、Thrive Market、Honest Companyなどの独立小売業者などのオンラインマーケットプレイスでは、化学物質の全体的な負荷を軽減することがこれまでになく簡単になりました。
金曜日に、ワシントン州のエリザベス・デジレはFacebookに投稿し、コストコの従業員から電話がかかってきたばかりで、コストコはラウンドアップを売却しないと伝えた。彼女は彼に手紙を書き、彼は彼女に電話をかけていました。私は興奮していましたが、興奮を抑えました。最近、偽のニュースがたくさんあります。私は本部に電話し、2日間のメッセージと電話の後、最終的に3人に、コストコがラウンドアップまたはグリホサートベースの除草剤を春の出荷用に注文していないことを確認しました。彼らはアメリカ全土のどの店でもそれを販売しません。これは巨大です!なんてすばらしい!ある従業員は、最初にオーガニックの代替案を検討し、結果に満足していると述べました。推論の一部として、複数の従業員が訴訟Johnson V Monsanto)に言及した。彼らは、それが正しいことだと感じたと言った。
I asked for an official statement and was told that usually, Costco does not issue press releases, etc discussing which items they have discontinued. Despite not hearing back from the Costco PR department, I decided to announce the information anyway. I told them that the 89,000 people who signed a petition to Costco, Home Depot, and Lowe's deserved to have an answer. I knew that they would be happy to know that Costco was doing the right thing.
なぜ多くの農民、科学者、規制当局がグリホサートが安全であると主張しているのか疑問に思っていますか? EPAがグリホサートは発がん性物質ではないことを示す科学があると言っている理由について混乱していますか?我々は持っています!
EPA cited 109 total assays not included in the IARC report, 87% of which were regulatory studies commissioned by industry, and all but one was negative.
IARC included the results from 67 assays not included in EPA’s analysis, all of which were from peer-reviewed publications, and 82% of which had at least one positive result for genotoxicity.
Watch our Facebook live discussing the issue with Zen Honeycutt here.
The following is the full paper by Charles Benbrook PhD. published on www.hygeia-analytics.com
The famed “new year cleanse” (or is it detox?) often consists of green juices, superfood smoothies, charcoal tablets, and the highly popular fasting techniques. There is no shortage of recipes and dietary strategies promising to ditch the holiday weight and boost energy levels to help you start the year off right. But it’s 2019. Aren’t we supposed to be like, super woke? That’s what my millennium colleagues tell me.
ほら、私は青汁とヘルシーなスムージーのファンです。ヘック、私は南カリフォルニアに住んでいます。青汁の首都でもあるかもしれません。私の簡単な計算では、2018の州収入の21%が青汁の販売によるものでした。冗談でしょうか…それとも私ですか?ボトルが$ 14の場合、計算は正しい可能性があります。冗談はさておき、新年は私たちのライフスタイルを再評価し、より健康的でバランスの取れた生活を作ることに再び焦点を合わせる絶好の機会を提供します。
But instead of getting too caught up in the semantics of words like “cleanse” and “detoxification”, let us focus more on the syntax of these two terms. Let’s approach 2019 like the woke humans we are. No longer is it sufficient to simply focus on food if we want to lose weight, increase energy, improve mood, and optimize function. Instead, if we look at cleansing and detoxification as more of an archetype, we can apply these concepts to many areas of our daily life.
This is a fantastic place to start because the change is very tangible, and you may notice an immediate improvement to your health. Probably the most unrecognized and increasingly pervasive “toxin” in the home these days is artificial light. Run-of-the-mill overhead lighting in the house and the bright lighted emitted from various electronic screens, particularly after sunset, have decimated both sleep time and sleep quality. So much so that research continues to show that poor sleep caused by artificial light is contributing to weight gain, increased breast cancer risk, fatigue, and many other chronic conditions. Improving sleep quality can dramatically improve health across the board. Wearing blue blocking glasses at night, swapping out your traditional lights with orange bulbs, and using beeswax or organic soy candles are easy ways to detoxify your nighttime lighting environment.
Another fantastic way to detox your environment is to do a “spring cleaning” and get rid of anything you don’t really need. Employ minimalist strategies and clear out stale energy and emotions bound up in material goods you don’t use. If you have a hard time tossing out old furniture, books, knickknacks, or clothes that haven’t made their way out of your closet in 2 years, you’ve got emotional attachment that needs to be cleared. Besides, less fortunate people can probably use the clothes you aren’t wearing or furniture sitting in your basement or garage. Did I mention that research suggests generosity and altruism benefit your health.
Jason Prall is a former mechanical engineer turned entrepreneur, filmmaker, and Health Optimization Practitioner. Due to 20 years of his own health challenges, Jason was given the opportunity to discover the reality behind his symptoms. Over the years, he transitioned from working as a practitioner in the integrative disease care model to a model of health optimization and lifestyle medicine. In May of 2018, his extensive research and experience were distilled into a documentary film series called, "The Human Longevity Project", which uncovers the complex mechanisms of chronic disease and aging, and the true nature of longevity in our modern world.