Big Ag Wants the Same Immunity As Vaccine Companies - Moms Across America

Big Ag Wants the Same Immunity As Vaccine Companies

Bayer/Monsanto, Syngenta/ChemChina, and Dow/Dupont are Brainwashing our Senators to Present Bills to Prevent Cancer Lawsuits Against AgroChemical Companies.

Big Ag wants immunity from lawsuits. The rights of individuals, localities, and states to be able to sue agrochemical companies is critically at stake. The plot by Big Ag, via The,  to pass state-by-state bills, filed in eleven states, Idaho, North Dakota, Wyoming, Oklahoma, Georgia, Montana, Missouri, Iowa, Mississippi, Tennessee, Florida - but we expect there will be bills in twenty-one.  

Bayer/Monsanto has just hired 20 agrochemical lobbyists to convince your Senators and Congressmembers that they should enjoy complete immunity from lawsuits, just like the vaccine companies. In other words, they should be able to produce pesticides, herbicides, and fungicides, and as long as the EPA gives them a license to do so (which does not establish safety for human exposure), then they could never be sued for cancer or other harmful impacts due to exposure to their products.

Meanwhile, the drugs they sell that treat the harm their products cause, like cancer, depression, and fertility drugs, will continue to soar. That is why we are calling them the Make America $ick Again Bills, it's a perfect profit circle for them that they want to protect.  We think that rather than our elected officials giving Bayer executives another beach house, they should protect us in our house. The number one reason for bankruptcy, which can lead to homelessness, is medical debt. Taking away their resident's right to sue for harm is unjust and dangerous for our communities. Compensation for harm from any unsafe product is necessary for product accountability and the health and security of our communities.

These bills give Big Ag complete immunity from individuals for violating​ federal labeling law, letting them cover up dangers without consequence. This cannot happen on our watch!

This play for profit is even worse for us, and better for them, than the deal the vaccine manufacturers got. In H.R.5546 - National Childhood Vaccine Injury Act of 1986 the vaccine companies were required to pay .75 cents per vaccine into a special injury fund. A court was set up so that victims of vaccine injury could apply for a hearing and compensation. The proposed bills for agrochemical immunity don’t even propose a fund, court, warning on the label, or any accountability whatsoever. Bayer/Monsanto and all agrochemical companies would enjoy complete immunity from ever being sued again. Their strategy is to go state by state, then use the states as precedence to have a federal bill passed.

Their arguments are:

  1. If they don’t get immunity, the farmers will lose access to important tools like glyphosate and other chemicals, that are “necessary” for farming.
  2. If the farmers lose these agrochemicals, the price of food will go up, putting disadvantaged people at an even greater disadvantage.
  3. The agrochemical companies should enjoy immunity because the EPA has deemed their products safe.
  4. The state-by-state laws are too cumbersome, there should be “uniformity” in pesticide laws, meaning a federal law that allows all chemical companies immunity.

Our arguments are:

  1. There are millions of farmers around the world who farm without glyphosate or toxic chemicals. 
  2. If your products aren’t safe, you should be held accountable. Reformulate your products to be safe.
  3. Your product safety is your responsibility, not the EPA’s, they do not do safety testing.
  4. The states, localities, and individuals have the right to sue. Period.

Corporate interests must not precede the safety of American farmers, citizens, and our children!


UPDATES - 3月 24, 2025 - click on state tabs above for contact info
Tennessee - MONDAY - Senate Judiciary Hearing Monday 3/24 at 12:00 CST
Oklahoma – URGENT (Full Senate Vote on SB 1078, Deadline WEDNESDAY 3/27)
  • Oklahoma Senate must vote on SB 1078 by Thursday's deadline (3/27), or the bill dies.
North Dakota – Committee Vote This Week (Likely Thursday or Friday) 
  • Senate Agriculture and Veterans Affairs Committee heard HB 1318 on Friday. They will vote this week.
Georgia – Need Veto - please send letter to Governor Kemp click here.
  • SB 144 has passed both chambers and awaits Governor Kemp's action.
  • If sent before legislature adjourns: 6 days to veto. If sent after: 40 days to veto. Becomes law with no action.
  • The bill as drafted is complete immunity for foreign chemical companies who lie to Georgia farmers and families and cause serious injury.
Idaho – Watching 
  • House Ag Committee pulled HB 303 from consideration. Watching to see if it gets relisted.
  • HB 303 is slightly different, as it gives foreign chemical companies a presumption of immunity. 
Florida - Watching 
  • House Judiciary: Subcommittee on Civil Justice and Claims will hear HB 129 when listed.
  • Senate Judiciary Committee will hear SB 992 when listed.
Iowa - Expected Senate Floor Vote Any Day
  • The bill could come to the Iowa Senate floor at any moment.
Missouri - Expected Senate Floor Vote Any Day
  • Nine Missouri Freedom Caucus senators are being targeted by Bayer for opposing SB 14 and HB 544
  • The bill be on the Senate floor any day - session ends 5/16.
What's at Stake: 
These bills give foreign chemical manufacturers complete immunity from legal accountability, even when they intentionally misrepresent safety information. The EPA relies on industry data rather than conducting its own studies. This legislation strips farmers, families, and cancer survivors of their only mechanism to hold companies accountable when pesticide companies mislead users with false information, omitted warnings, inadequate instructions, or unverified safety claims.
Similar bills have been rejected in Idaho, Iowa, and Missouri (2024), and Mississippi, Wyoming, and Montana (2025) when lawmakers fully understood their impact.

Our elected officials said NO in Wyoming, Oklahoma, and Wyoming because of you! Way to go!

In some states, Bayer has hired 20 lobbyists to spread lies, and twenty thousand cases against Monsanto are pending, and all of these plaintiffs will lose their right to sue and get compensation, people with non-Hodgkin’s Lymphoma from using Roundup, if this bill passes.

Other states pending soon are Georgia, Montana, North Dakota, Iowa, Missouri, Tennessee, Florida, and a total of twenty-one states.

Call to Action!

Contact Senators of the following states:

Pesticide Immunity Billls We are Currently Facing - Click on link for contacts.
Region Label Status Sponsor Link Committee Link Bill Link  
North Dakota H.B. 1318 Vote soon  
Iowa S.S.B.1051 Vote soon  
Missouri H.B. 544 Vote soon    
Missouri S.B. 14 Vote soon    
Florida H.B. 129 Introduced  
Georgia H.B.424 Introduced  
Georgia S.B.144 Headed to Rules Com  
Montana H.B. 522  2/25    
Tennessee S.B.0527 Introduced  
Idaho DRAFT DRAFT        

Call to Action 2:


There is a proposed petition that is open for comment now to the EPA:

This petition would wipe out pesticide industry accountability by amending EPA regulations to preempt any state labeling requirement that is inconsistent with EPA's conclusions on its human health risk assessment, "such as a pesticide's likelihood to cause cancer, birth defects, or reproductive harm.

We only have until 3月 24 for the comment period!


Below are some of our sample social media posts to help you. 

POST on SOCIAL and Share by EMAIL!

1.) ATTN: A dangerous petition filed with the @EPA threatens to wipe out state and local pesticide protections, leaving communities vulnerable to cancer-causing chemicals. Now is the time to make your voice heard and sign the petition!

2.) Communities deserve the right to protect their schools, playgrounds, and workplaces from dangerous pesticides. But a recent petition filed with the @EPA would rob states and localities of the authority to decide for themselves. We can’t let this happen–sign the petition NOW!

3.) State and local pesticide protections could be gutted by a recent petition filed with the @EPA, leaving communities across America defenseless against cancer-causing chemicals. Stand up for your community and sign the petition TODAY!

Thank you for being our partners in creating healthy communities!!!


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  • Anne Temple
    published this page in ブログ 2025-02-03 18:23:36 -0500

