

You may have heard the uproar about Skittles, how a California man sued Mars for not warning their customers that it contains harmful levels of titanium dioxide...well, it’s not only this colorful candy that contains toxic chemicals. MOST candies, many children’s medicines, and processed foods in America also contain artificial dyes! But the majority of these chemicals are not allowed in Europe! What gives?

Moms Across America Board member Kelly Ryerson, AKA Glyphosate Girl, weighs in on the situation as our guest writer.



Doctors dismissed these outbursts as normal little boy behavior, but there was something peculiar about the tantrums. They triggered so quickly over nothing in particular like some switch had been activated in his mind that sent his nervous system into high gear. My mom’s mind fled into all kinds of worst-case scenarios, abetted by Google searches on everything from terrifying brain diseases to my general failure as a parent. Because what would mom-life be without some occasional self-blame.   


D&C Red No. 33 & FD&C Blue No. 1.



  • FD&CブルーNo. 1
  • FD&CブルーNo. 2
  • FD&CグリーンNo. 3
  • FD&CレッドNo. 3
  • FD&CレッドNo. 40
  • FD&CイエローNo. 5
  • FD&CイエローNo. 6


In Europe, where regulators take a more precautionary approach.

E171, titanium dioxide, found in Skittles in America, is banned from European foods.

The following warning appears on labels of food that include other artificial dyes:

“May harm activity and attention in children.” 

The warning is well justified. Multiple 研究 have shown that artificial food dyes can cause hyperactivity in children.

In 2021, the California Environmental Protection Agency’s Office of Environmental Health Hazard Assessment (OEHHA) 見つけた that “synthetic food dyes are associated with adverse neurobehavioral outcomes in some children. With increasing numbers of US children diagnosed with behavioral disorders, this assessment can inform efforts to protect children from exposures that may exacerbate behavioral problems.”

今後 ホワイトハウス会議 食品、栄養、飢餓、健康について、アメリカ中のママは私たちの声を聞いてもらい、私たちの食品に人工食用色素を使用することを禁止したいと考えています。米国は子供たちの神経学的および心理的健康を極的に維持するために努力しなければならないと私たちは信じており、染料を天然の代替品に置き換えることは大きな影響を与えるでしょう。


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Showing 2 reactions

  • Kelly Ryerson
    このページを公開しました ブログ 2022-07-25 13:22:50 -0400
  • トッド・ハニーカット
    このページを公開しました ブログ 2022-07-22 12:40:48 -0400

