

Moms AcrossAmericaは501 c3であるため、政治的擁護団体ではありません。私たち全員が、政党に関係なく、食べ物を食べ、家族の健康を望んでいるため、さまざまな政治的見解からの支持者がいます。私たちは、私たちの使命を果たすために、団結を奨励し、すべての政党の支持者からの善意を受け入れます。健康なコミュニティを作るための行動と解決策で母親や他の人々を教育し、力を与えること。





  1. Gather information from a variety of news sources. We have some supporters that only watch mainstream media, others who only watch alternative media. Neither one is likely to be fully informed of the current situation, the facts, and the response of our fellow Americans. Although I do not trust many sources from either side I often watch news from both just to see what their rhetoric is, their angle, and how we, as an organization can utilize that angle to educate people with the truth. Watching the news from all sides gives you a more well-rounded perspective.

  2. Listen and consider. Generic denial and mistrust do not make anyone more “woke.” Remember the scene from the Six Feet Under series where the red-haired Aunt notices her sullen niece becoming more disdainful and depressed? She told her, “Generic apathy is not cool. It is cool to care.” Well, the same applies to making blanket statements about certain news sources, issues, and events. Complete denial of validity and overall mistrust of everything does not make a person better informed and superior in knowledge. Too many people are dismissing all news from mainstream media or an alternative news source just because of the station or individual. This puts them in a position to be missing out on important points, true or not, which could lead to resolution.

  3. Don’t spread the hype. Reacting to and sharing drama creates more drama, which is unhelpful and unhealthy. As you review news information from both sides, look for news sources that also provide balance and professionalism with moderators who are conservative and liberal, at the same table. Consider that news stories that we get from all sides have the intention of getting better ratings and/or more ad click-throughs. Fearful headings, doomsday predictions, and urgent drama doesn't mean that they are just exposing the truth...they often mean more money. They want drama, they want to report on the drama, and they want you to share the drama. Don’t do it. This is challenging on social media, but try to share only professionally presented news pieces with credible sources.

  4. Look for the sources, evidence, and science. If a news piece has a theory, it must be clearly stated so, and keep in mind that it is not news. It is an opinion, a possible prediction of the future, it is not a fact. It is not something to allow yourself to get riled up with fear and spread it like wildfire.  We understand sharing predictions about certain issues, like the math that shows that 1 out of 2 of our children will be diagnosed with autism in 2032 if we do not act now (accompanied by actions you can take to resolve the issue) ...and this prediction has actual math behind it. We ask you to look for news sources’ math, scientific references, funding sources, and evidence. Keep in mind that conjecture, speculation, opinions, hearsay, even scientific studies paid for or conducted by industry players, and stand-alone signed statements are not valid evidence. 

  5. Practice critical thinking. Whether this is true or not, who benefits from me believing either side of the story? Take time to consider,  if you were to believe one side of the story versus the other, how would your behavior change, and who would benefit from those actions?  Consider: does one side want you to continue with the status quo (buying GMOs, toxic products, voting party lines)? Does that side involve large corporations or individuals who make money off you continuing to participate in the status quo? Does one side want to create fear and have you share a scintillating story? The result is that the issue divides the public. We have many enemies, both foreign and domestic that would like to see Americans divided, and our societies sick with illness and hate because it benefits them in their narrow view of global power. 







「ああ、そうだ」と彼女は答えた。 「私は判断するのではなく、耳を傾けようとします。」



理解し、人々に理解してもらうように努めます。 (同意せずに)他人の立場に立つ能力は、批判的思考に関与する脳の一部でもある脳の前頭前野の機能です。また、共感とつながりを広げます。




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