テレコムが現在、全国で4 / 5 Gセルタワーを展開して「スマート」シティグリッドを作成していることをご存知ですか?
Dallas approved 966 "small" cell (4/5G) towers already. Residents in New York, Oregon, San Francisco, Georgia, and many more are waking up to a cell tower as close as 12 feet outside their bedroom windows. Costa Mesa, CA just approved "small" cell towers to be built 30 feet from home daycares. Within days residents are reporting headaches, nose bleeds, fatigue, behavioral issues, and tinnitus. These symptoms are just the beginning. Studies from different countries show up to a 200% increase in cancer within 1500 feet from a cell tower. In Ripon, CA four students and three teachers got cancer after a cell tower was installed on school premises. A cancer cluster around cell towers on college campus has been known to exist for over ten years. More towers are being constructed on schoolyards right now. Studies show that radio frequency radiation weakens the immune system as well, putting our citizens at greater risk of severe COVID effects. This must stop.
Tell your friends and family they must act NOW. Once these towers are up and on, it is very difficult to get them down. Speak up at remote city council meetings, send letters, call and tell your Mayor and State Representatives that we cannot allow Telecom to bully us into 5G "Smart" Cities. Without studies proving safety and EMF insurance, our residents and cities are at grave risk. Constant radiation and data collection without our consent is a dumb idea.
州の代表者、州の上院議員、州議会および市長への5 G無料キャンペーン、
I am writing to inform you that the city of Easton, CT passed a “cease and desist” resolution calling on wireless companies to stop their build out of 4G/5G small cell wireless antennas until such facilities are proven safe through independent research. I am respectfully requesting that our city take the same action to protect our residents.
Although Telecom companies claim that 5G is safe according to FCC standards, the fact is that the FCC has failed to evaluate the scientific literature regarding non-thermal effects of pulsed and modulated radio frequency radiation on human health or the environment. Two cases were filed against the FCC for its refusal to review its obsolete guidelines. These cases are in the US Court of Appeals for the DC Circuit.
独立した科学者(利益相反のない科学者)の間のコンセンサスは、何千もの研究が、現在無線通信に使用されているこれらのパルスおよび変調されたRF放射による深刻な悪影響の明確な証拠を示しているということです。 5 Gは、既存の4 Gインフラストラクチャのすべてに加えて、新しい、より低い、より高い周波数、およびミリ波周波数を利用して、「スマート」都市ネットワークが機能できるようにします。 5 Gの展開により、私たちの家では、頼りになったり逃げたりすることなく、この有害な放射線への絶え間ない非自発的な被ばくが指数関数的に増加しています。
5 Gは、世界をリードする2つの二次保険会社の1つであるSwiss Reaによって「最高リスク」に分類されており、セルタワー会社は健康への影響に対する賠償責任保険に加入することが難しいと感じています。
Unless and until wireless companies are able to prove that close proximity to small cell microwave antennas is completely safe for all humans, including pregnant women, young children and other vulnerable populations, and that they have obtained liability insurance without an EMF "pollution" exclusion, we ask you to immediately adopt a protective municipal code and the cease and desist resolution.
Americans for Responsible Technology
Children's Health Defense
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