
GMO は、外来種、細菌、RNA のプロモーターまたはサイレンサーからの DNA を使用して遺伝子操作されます。 GMO 作物は、ほぼ 90% が除草剤や殺虫剤に耐性を持つように設計されています。これまで以上に多くの化学物質が私たちの食品に噴霧されています。


2014 で米国環境保護庁 (EPA) の研究に情報公開法を要求したとき、安全性を示すと主張する研究の多くを見て愕然としました。これらの研究の多くが生命に危害を及ぼす重大なリスクを示していることを私は個人的に確認できます。

実際、EPAは、これらの化学物質によって証明されている害を無視しているが、その多くは使用制限リストに載っており、発がん物質の可能性があると見なされているか、他国では全面的に禁止されている。これらの化学物質が腸の健康、IQ、自己免疫疾患、精神的問題、生殖能力に深刻な害を及ぼすことを何百もの研究が示しています。 GMO作物は生命に大損害をもたらす化学物質の摂取を増加させます。これは人間にとって利益になりません。それは株主に利益をもたらしたい化学会社にのみ利益をもたらします。 

Secondly, GMOs are in fact contributing to world hunger. A woman named Alice from Uganda, who now lives in Australia, explained the situation happening in her father’s village back in Africa. The village is growing GMO cotton and corn PANA 4M19 using chemicals like Roundup.

アリスは、「敷地内の栄養分が枯渇してしまいました。以前は綿花を栽培し、その後別の作物を栽培していました。しかし今、このGMOコットンを栽培した直後に別の作物を栽培しても、地面からは何も得られません。今、人々は飢えつつあります。以前は存在しなかった村では、現在、深刻な食糧不足が生じています。ですから、食べ物を捨てるたびに、私たちが誰かに食べさせているかもしれないという罪悪感を感じます。私もそこにいて彼らを助けることができればいいのですが、何ができるでしょうか?それは非常に大きな問題です。かつては食糧不足などまったくありませんでしたが、今では庭で育てている食糧だけでは生きていくことができなくなっています。」 GMOが世界に食料を供給していると思うかと問われると、彼女はきっぱりとこう答えた。いいえ、いいえ。」

Thirdly, GMO crops increase chemical usage which depletes the soil and reduces carbon sequestration. A recent study found that グリホサート reduces the nutrients in soil creating a need for more synthetic fertilizers which also kill microbes in the soil. Depleted soil cannot sequester carbon.

Another recent Yale study explains the importance of soil carbon. The study described how it is leached from the Earth and how that process can be reversed which is the subject of intensifying scientific investigation, with important implications for the effort to slow the rapid rise of carbon dioxide in the atmosphere. And compared to many proposed geoengineering fixes, storing carbon in soil is simple. It’s a matter of returning carbon where it belongs. Scientists say that more carbon resides in soil than in the atmosphere and all plant life combined.

There are 2.5 trillion tons of carbon in soil, compared with 800 billion tons in the atmosphere and 560 billion tons in plant and animal life. Scientists have recently learned that organic carbon binds only to certain soil structures. The soil’s capacity to absorb carbon is directly related to its health. Therefore, soil preservation and restoration need to be incorporated into today’s climate models. 

It is now evident that depleted soil means an increase in the amount of carbon in the air and an escalation of climate chaos. In addition, research has shown that this depleted soil allows for fewer rain-making bacteria to be released into the air.

GMO farming and toxic chemicals may, in fact, be contributing to drought as well. Stephanie Seneff, a senior research scientist at MIT said that few people realize that there are bacteria in the clouds collecting water vapor which could seed cloud formation. It’s possible that they play an important role in moderating the world’s weather. Since glyphosate is known to disrupt soil bacteria and gut bacteria, it’s logical to assume it could disrupt cloud bacteria as well. This might even be an important factor in the recent California drought.

As a mother, I focus on my children’s health. The health of the soil has been far from my mind. But recently I am realizing that without healthy soil, we will not have healthy plants or healthy children. If we don’t have healthy soil we cannot sequester carbon and our chances of quelling total climate chaos are dramatically reduced. What many politicians and chemical companies fail to realize is that our environment is not just a resource, it is us. We eat, live in and breath our environment, it becomes us and we become it. Chemical farming destroys not only our environment but ourselves and our children’s futures as well.



Glyphosate, sprayed on 80% of GMOs has been found to destroy gut bacteria and yet it is allowed on 160 of our foods. Protect yourself from the impact of glyphosate by trying Restore, a gut health product which is a fundraiser for MAA to allow us to let more people know about GMOs. Thank you for your support and we wish you good health!