2020 Impact Report - Moms Across America


今年は他に類を見ない一年でした。私のチームが2020レポートのドラフトを開始したとき、COVID、シャットダウン、およびBLMの抗議を考慮して、今年はもっと短くなると思いましたが、実際にはもっと多くのことをしました。私はびっくりしましたこれはどうやってできるの?激動の時代を振り返ると、そのことが明らかになりました。困難な時代に、私たち母親とアメリカ中のママの支持者は後退して隠れることはなく、私たちは立ち上がる。私たちは解決策を見つけ、お互いをサポートします。集団的な怒りを増すのではなく、集団的な思いやりを生み出します。私たちは親切な行為を祝い、COVIDのずっと前に急増する健康問題の原因に到達します。それは健康的で毒素のない食事を食べ、免疫システムを自然に回復させることです。 USDAが閉鎖のために食糧供給基準を引き下げたとき、私たちは休むことはありませんでした。私たち母親は立ち上がって、政府に説明責任を負わせるために声を上げました。

We went beyond the food supply this year however, in a big way, by putting a major focus on the immediate danger to our families by raising awareness about the intrusion of 5G “Smart” City Grids. We spoke up about major cities like Dallas, for instance, where they now have 966 small cells and expect 10,000. We assembled a team of seasoned activists, scientists, lawyers, and advisors that were thrilled we were taking this issue on, and provided scores of steps, tips, and strategies for approaching our city planners. Our Moms Connect calls and materials allowed our supporters to take on this issue nationwide and take action to prevent harm to their communities. When cities like Easton, CT were successful, we created campaigns in partnership with other organizations like Children’s Health Defense and Americans for Responsible Technology to let Americans know.

We looked to the future as well and put the spotlight on the COVID vaccine. Will it contain glyphosate like other childhood vaccines have been shown to contain? What safety precautions will be taken for a safe and effective vaccine? And will we have choice?

We continued to collaborate with many organizations and bring knowledgeable people into our team. We interviewed numerous fascinating authors, took part in webinars around the world, and supported the campaign of other organizations to reach millions about the ongoing harm from glyphosate.

We expanded our board, volunteer team, individual donors, and while many groups, unfortunately, are losing people by the thousands per week online, Moms Across America continues to grow. I have no doubt that you will see in the details of this 2020 Impact Report that one of the most important and effective things you can be doing with your resources is supporting the work of Moms Across America. Our organization educates and empowers mothers and others with actions and solutions to create healthy communities. If there is anything 2020 has taught us, it is that it is paramount to focus on family, health, and our communities.

Thank you for the tremendous blessing that it is to be able to continue to do this work. Thank you for your interest in our work. Thank you for being people with whom we can partner with to create healthy communities that are thriving and providing a safe future for future generations.

With Gratitude.

Moms Across America設立エグゼクティブディレクター

To read more download the 2019 Impact Report

To support our work in the future please check out our Moms for Moms campaign and our exciting projects for 2021!


  • アン寺院
    このページを公開しました ブログ 2020-12-01 12:16:54 -0500

