Together, We Are Unstoppable - Moms Across America



Moms Across Americaは、現在存在しない世界で働いています。手頃な価格ですべての人が利用できる再生有機食品。きれいな空気と水。すべての地域の安全な学校と公園。人々が思いやりとつながる健康で繁栄しているコミュニティ。



Today we ask you to join us in our work. Partner with us to create a safe, healthy, thriving world where people act with courage, creativity, compassion, and care for others. Donate to Moms Across America to support our small but mighty team and be a part of creating something more powerful than fear, greed, corporate and government corruption. Be our partners. 

Together, when we amplify the voice of mothers, we are more powerful than any greed or control.

Together, when we take actions based on the love for our children and families, we are limitless and unstoppable. 

Moms Across America has so much to do. With your partnership, we can hold corporations, manufacturers, our government, school boards, community officials to account for everyone’s health and safety. We can support mothers and others to get involved in their local communities, maybe even to run for office, and be the ones making the decisions. We can provide the information, materials, and encouragement that unites families and makes the world a more loving, healthy, thriving place. 

We hope you see the infinite value in our mission and choose to invest in this future.

Moms Across America’s mission is to educate and empower mothers and others with actions and solutions to create healthy communities.

Join us! Partner with us today!


  • アン寺院
    このページを公開しました ブログ 2021-11-30 11:14:36 -0500

