舞台裏CNNインタビュービデオ(Ryan Wirick作)
When CNN aired the the Oregon GMO Wheat Mystery piece by Stephanie Elam on Monday 6月 17, 2013, http://www.cnn.com/video/?/video/us/2013/06/17/tsr-dnt-elam-gmo-wheat-oregon.cnn it was a huge step for the movement in the right direction. People watching mass media are now wondering what GMOs are and why they are in doing illegally in our food. People are also seeing not just scientists and doctors being interviewed about GMOs, but an everyday Mom. Robyn O'Brien paved the way for us with her book "The UnHealthy Truth " and was in mainstream media, but for a Mom activist to get air time shows the power of what each and every mom contributes by sharing and standing up for health and freedom. Moms activists are being heard.
The CNN piece was mostly about the Oregon wheat however, and Ryan Wirick, talented producer of the following video, saw that there was more to the story. There is the story of Mom's health concerns. There is the story of our children in America.
この作品のインタビューを受けたのはとても名誉なことであり、私はこれを一人でやることができませんでした。このアイデアについては、ウィークリーウィメンズGMOフリーニュースのエグゼクティブプロデューサー、ジャックオルムステッド、プロデューサー、マイケルキャリー、Pamm Larrry、Howard Vlieger、Kathleen Hallal、そしてもちろん私たちの夫と子供たちに感謝します国際的な影響力を持つ国家組織を作成しました。私たちが作成しているものに涙を流しています。すべての人にエンパワーメント、愛、健康、自由。ありがとうございました!
ママは知っています。 「The Future of Food」、「Food Inc」、または「The Vanishing of the Bees」を見たとき、これは悪いことでした。種子の特許を取得し、それらを使用し、毒を注入し、それからより多くの毒を散布し、私たちの国に供給することから、良いことは何もできませんでした。ロビン・オブライエンが遺伝子組み換え作物をアレルギーにリンクしたときにそれを暴露したことは知っていました。私たちは、ジェフリー・スミスがいつかGMO DEBACLEになるもののmanyの中に多くの釘の最初のものを置くことを知っていました。遺伝子組み換え作物と化学農業が子供たちを傷つけていることは知っていましたが、主流メディアによって完全に無視された腫瘍のあるラットの衝撃的な研究に加えて、私たちは証拠を持っていませんでした
最初の火曜日、豚とGMO飼料の研究。遺伝子組み換え作物とそれらの中および上のGMOと農薬と除草剤の組み合わせが哺乳類の胃に影響を与えることの証拠。モンサントは、これらの化学物質は虫を殺すだけであり、胃酸があるため哺乳類に影響を与えないと主張しています。絵を見て。哺乳類が影響を受けます。豚には胃潰瘍と深刻な損傷があり、アメリカの子供たちも急増しています。彼らは、注意散漫、いらいら、指示に従えない自閉症を模倣する兆候を示します。 GMosとグリホサートが食物に噴霧されてから15年で、自閉症の割合が10,000人の子供の1から50の1になりました(詳細については、Howard Vliger DVDを入手してください)
Dr. Judy Carman: Evidence of GMO Harm in Pig Study: http://gmoevidence.com/dr-judy-carman-evidence-of-gmo-harm-in-pig-study/

I am willing to mess up. I am committed to being effective, but what I have realized is that being a leader means you have to be willing to mess up and just do it anyway. Your commitment to being effective has to supersede the fear of failure.
GMOの認識のような理由で発言する人になることは、リーダーになることを意味します。 「リーダー」という言葉にはあらゆる種類の恐れがあり、私たちの多くにとては、行動をとることができません。しかし、その報酬は、私たちが想像できる以上のものです。
Yesterday, the unimaginable happened to me. CNN came to my house ( my HOUSE!!!! you can imagine how my kitchen suddenly looked to me when I found out, I wanted to suddenly renovate) and filmed me cooking a GMO free breakfast ( why, oh why didn't I buy a new set of pots and pans??? Why are all my scrambled eggs sticking????) and eating together as a family (What if I look as nervous as I feel?). YIKES! Most importantly what if I don't say the right thing or forget to say something? What if I mess it up nationally???? ACK! The responsibility to speak for moms seemed immense.
The committee of chatter in my head analyzed everything before the shoot and I called Robyn O'Brien and just say out loud that "I know that I am not going to "get this right" for everyone. They are only going to take a few sound bites and I am never going to be able to say everything I want...so....( deep breath) I am going to be okay with "messing it up". I am also totally committed delivering my message. "Kids get better off GMOs."
この大義のリーダーとして、私たちがどのような能力を選んだとしても、あなたにとって、あなたにとって、私にとって焦点を合わせて明確にする方法を妨げるものがたくさんあります。ほとんどすべてが頭の中にあります。 「私は話者になれなかったし、隣人にこれについて話すことさえできない...私はそれ必要なものを持っていない...私はあまりにも恥ずかしがり屋...怒りすぎ...忙しすぎる...疲れている...」または「十分に話されていない、十分に準備されていない、または十分に経験されていない」などの「十分ではない」かもしれません。
Or maybe you really believe you are " just not that kind of person"...sort of how I used to believe I am "not good at math". Now, I use math, in my example that if you as just 1 person has 10 people over for a GMO movie night and those 10 share with 5 and those 5 all share with 5 who also share with 5, then you will be responsible for 1,270 people finding out about GMOs! This math example is inspiring ten of thousands! How's that for rocking math?? Do you believe things about your self too? Like you are " just not a leader?" or "Just not a speaker?"
It's only going to happen if we say so. Speaking to your neighbor and inviting them to a GMO movie night 6月 15, getting up in front of a room and speaking at a school, or speaking on CNN is all the same. It just means that you take actions that are aligned with what you are committed to. Someone, I think that Dalai Lama said, that when your actions are in alignment with your commitment, is when you experience true joy. We can experience that joy in adverse situations or not.
We can be inventive and create the world we want. The Dalai Lama said "Western women will change the world" that's us, America, and the time is now.
Click here for the link to sign up and be a host for the Global GMO Movie night!
I just want to take a moment to acknowledge the fantastic, historic, awe inspiring and thrilling turn out of the 436 March Against Monsanto events in 50 countries. What Tami Canal Monroe and her very small team of committed volunteers accomplished is nothing short of phenomenal. We are grateful for them and their support with the Moms Across America March to Label GMOs!
Despite the huge leap in unity this past week, we have had some bad news.
GMO wheat found in an Oregon field, China burning 4 tankers of GMO soy (good thing) but making a deal with Brazil to get the bulk of the world's non GMO soy ( umm...not so good for the rest of us), the EU bowing to pressure and allowing GMO crops to be planted, Moms unable to get their own blood tested due to Monsanto's patents on toxic chemicals...this news can be overwhelming.
The good news is that Moms are used to being overwhelmed and that has never stopped us before and won't stop us now.
The good news is that over 75 Moms Across America groups are joining into 4th of July parades nationally so far, more every hour! The Netherlands and Canada are marching in solidarity! Whooo hooo!
We are thrilled with the partnerships we are honored to be creating with the CA State Grange, Label GMOs, NYR Organic, Dr. Bronner's, Robyn O'Brien and Allergy Kids Foundation, Organic Valley, Nature's Path, Nutivia, Institute for Responsible Technology, Holistic Moms Network, Green America, Moms for Safe Food, and more.
If you would like to support our volunteer organization to give out GMO info at every parade and empower and educate millions, there is still a week or two to be included.
Please contact Zen with connections to people who can support us and future generations.
Thank you!
Zen, Kathleen and the MAAM Team