Moms Across America blog


GMO Potatoes Put on HIGH RISK List

From Non-GMO Project Verified 

Contact: Kristin Wheeler
Phone: 360.255.7704 x131

Non-GMO Project addresses supply chain risks caused by new techniques like CRISPR and RNAi

Screen_Shot_2018-10-30_at_1.11.19_PM.pngBELLINGHAM, WAOctober 31—The potato has been added to the High-Risk list of the Non-GMO Project Standard because a GMO potato variety is now “widely commercially available” in the United States. To determine when a crop needs to be moved from the Monitored-Risk list to the High-Risk list, the Project uses an established set of criteria related to the likelihood of GMO contamination in the conventional and non-GMO supply chain. As a result of today’s move, products made with potato will now be subject to extra scrutiny before they can become Non-GMO Project Verified.
On the market since 2015, the GMO potato developed by J.R. Simplot has been engineered through a method of gene silencing called RNA interference (RNAi). This genetic engineering technique results in a potato that hides the symptoms of blackspot bruising. Currently, GMO potatoes are being marketed under the Simplot Innate brand, found under the trademark White Russet.
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GMO and Glyphosate News Oct

Monday night October 29, 2018 on our Moms Connect Call, we discussed the following news. You can see the discussion here. And review the articles below. We hope you will join us next time! 

Pesticide-Free Organic Food Lowers Your Blood Cancer Risk by 86% – 70,000 French People Surveyed

Cutting out pesticides by eating only organic food could slash your cancer risk by up to 86 percent, a new study claims.

For full article click here.

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Breakfast Favorite Orange Juice Tainted by Glyphosate Herbicide Threatens Our Health and Florida’s Environment

Glyphosate in Orange Juice


Screen_Shot_2018-10-26_at_8.49.58_AM.pngIn August, news broke that Cheerios, Quaker Oats, and other breakfast cereals were contaminated with glyphosate weed killer. Just this week, more news of glyphosate in snack bars. Parents across the nation became concerned about their family’s breakfast foods and snacks. Now we learn we must also be looking at the most popular breakfast beverage, orange juice, as well.

Over one year after initial tests, Moms Across America sent America's most popular orange juice brands to be tested again for the carcinogenic chemical glyphosate. The new test results, ranging from 2.99 ppb to 17.16 ppb, are not promising. Although the different brands, Tropicana, Minute Maid, Costco’s Kirkland Signature, and Stater Bros. had slightly lower levels of glyphosate weed killer than the first tests conducted a year ago, all still had detectable levels of glyphosate. In addition, Moms Across America added another sample, Florida’s Natural, and the results were not only among the highest of all the brands tested for glyphosate residues, the sample from the brand showed results almost 3 times higher than the previous year’s test results provided to another organization, showing an increase, rather than a decrease of the use of glyphosate herbicides.

Florida’s Natural glyphosate testing in 2017 showed the following results: glyphosate amount detected: 2.14 ppb; AMPA amount detected: 1.98 ppb, the effective glyphosate level was 5.11 ppb. In 2018 the test results showed an effective level of glyphosate at 14.42.

Recently plaintiff Alexandra Axon, represented by Richman Law Group, sued Florida’s Natural for misleading the public by claiming their product is natural when in fact it contains glyphosate. The lawsuit is still pending.


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‘Being on the Jury of the Monsanto Trial Changed My Life’

Monsanto Jury in Historic Revolt Against Judge Attempting to Toss Out Their Unanimous Verdict

Screen_Shot_2018-10-17_at_8.08.25_AM.pngIn an unprecedented display of commitment to justice, eight of the 12 jurors and two alternates who served on the Johnson v Monsanto trial, 10 total, took a day off work, left their families, and showed up at the San Francisco Court last week to let Judge Bolanos know they want their verdict to stand. The “Trial of The Century” as many are calling it, resulted in a $289.2 million award by the jury from Monsanto to Dwayne “Lee” Johnson, a school pesticide applicator who contracted a terminal case of non-Hodgkin’s Lymphoma while using Monsanto’s glyphosate herbicide products Roundup and Ranger Pro.

Upon arrival, “the courtroom was so full,” recounted Robert Howard, juror number four, in an interview with me, “that one of the jurors had to sit in his/her old seat. The Judge definitely noticed our presence.”

He shared how, for a long time, he and his fellow jurors, for whom he has the highest regard, remained silent. He referred to the saying, “Silence cannot be misquoted.” But when he saw the notice that the jury verdict might be overturned, he and several jurors knew it was time to speak up.

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Let $289M jury award stand in Monsanto case

Lee Johnson

Plaintiff Dewayne “Lee” Johnson reacts at a San Francisco Superior Court on Aug. 10 after hearing the jury verdict awarding $289 million in his suit against Roundup maker Monsanto.

Photo: Josh Edelson / AFP / Getty Images

By Neil Young and Daryl Hannah

Updated: Oct. 14, 2018 11:12 a.m.

As originally posted in the San Francisco Chronicle

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News Updates October 2018

Wow! What a week! More evidence presented itself this week,  that GMO chemical farming is not safe, not wanted and not doing what the manufacturers say it will do.

While we do not have any news on whether Judge Balonos will accept Bayer/Monsanto's appeal to overturn the $289.2 jury awarded, guilty-on-all-counts-judgment, we promise we will let you know as soon as we find out. It could be any hour or day now. Stay up to date specifically on our Facebook page.

We also hope you will join us on our Monday night Moms Connect call to discuss these and many important issues. Sign up for our email alerts here for the invitation to join us. Watch or listen to last night's Moms Connect Call here.

 Screen_Shot_2018-10-16_at_9.51.35_AM.pngDo you want to share Moms Across America's information and solutions? Share this new interview by Josh Trent of Wellness Force with Zen Honeycutt of Moms Across America.

On Wellness Force Radio episode 237, Founder and Director of Moms Across America as well as the Author of, Unstoppable, Zen Honeycutt, uncovers with host, Josh Trent, how you can take leadership in your own family to make real changes happen at the dinner table, how we can heal and feed the world with organic food, and why exporting monocrops to third world countries actually hurts rather than helps them.

Click here.


The Creator of GMO Potatoes Reveals The Dangerous Truth – Exclusive Interview


The Ex-Director of J.R. Simplot and team leader at Monsanto, Caius Rommens, has revealed the hidden dangers of the GMO potatoes he created, in a wide-ranging interview for Sustainable Pulse, on the same day that his book ‘Pandora’s Potatoes: The Worst GMOs’ was released on Amazon.

For full article click here.


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Everything is Contaminated with Glyphosate! What Do I Do?

At Moms Across America we often get questions like " What can I eat?" or "Everything is contaminated, what do I do?"


Here is a recent question that we think everyone could benefit from considering and our answer.


Screen_Shot_2018-09-16_at_11.29.22_AM.pngHi, I'm a new mom who has eaten Quaker Oats throughout my pregnancy. After learning about arsenic levels in the oats I made the switch to Bob's Red Mill organic steel-cut oats. Now I discover that I have been unknowingly eating small doses of glyphosate every morning for breakfast, as well as feeding it to my daughter through breast milk. I'm infuriated and wondering what actions I'm able to take? ”- Michelle V.

Our Answer:

Dear Michelle,

We totally understand your frustration. We are angry too that so much of our food is contaminated.

There are a few things you can do.

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YES! Throw Out Your Cheerios and Quaker Oats!

By Zen Honeycutt
Founding Executive Director Moms Across America
Author of Unstoppable

Screen_Shot_2018-08-30_at_5.13.34_PM.pngOn August 27, 2018, the Environmental Working Group (EWG) publish an article called “Should I Throw Out My Cheerios?” The article addresses the EWG’s recent testing of 45 samples of cereals and oat products for glyphosate, the declared active chemical ingredient in Roundup weed killer, made by Monsanto. 95% of the conventional products tested positive for the known carcinogen. Only 3% of the organic products were positive. Levels found were 30 -1300+ ppb of glyphosate in the samples tested. Although we are thrilled that the EWG tested foods for glyphosate, we are horrified that they would actually say, “So should I throw out my Cheerios? In a word, no.” Even though some of the products contained 8x higher levels than their own safety assessments and thousands of times higher* than has been shown in scientific studies to cause harm... they still did not advise consumers to stop eating foods that have been found to be highly contaminated with glyphosate.

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"Healthy" Hummus Contaminated with Monsanto's Roundup

Glyphosate in Hummus Test Results Report
Moms Across America
August 31, 2018

August 31, 2018 - Hummus is the go-to snack for most people who consider themselves healthy. Apparently, the brand of hummus has now become much more important. Today, Moms Across America released the test results of 10 hummus samples from 8 brands showing concerning levels of glyphosate residues. All but 1 of the samples tested positive for quantifiable levels. Glyphosate is found in Monsanto’s popular weed killer Roundup and is commonly sprayed on garbanzo beans as a drying agent prior to harvest. The chemical glyphosate has been making numerous headlines in the past two weeks due to the verdict in the Johnson v Monsanto trial. Johnson was a school pesticide applicator and was awarded 289.2 million dollars by the jury from the chemical giant Monsanto for “malice and oppression” or hiding the fact that they knew that their glyphosate herbicide could cause cancer. The hummus brands testing positive for glyphosate residue were Kirkland Signature, Sabra, Cedar’s, Simply Balanced, Trader Joe’s, Sadaf, and Hope. Lilly’s organic hummus was the only brand that had a non-quantifiable result for glyphosate.

Zen Honeycutt, Founding Executive Director of Moms Across America stated, “Glyphosate residues in hummus are not surprising, due to the farming practice of spraying garbanzo beans preharvest with glyphosate as a drying agent, but these results are terribly disturbing. The agriculture industry has known since 2015 that the International Agency for Research on Cancer (IARC) classified glyphosate as a probable carcinogen. They had ample time to discontinue the practice of spraying this herbicide on their crops. We hope now, with these results and the verdict of the Johnson v Monsanto lawsuit, that the EPA will revoke the license of glyphosate and farmers will stop using harmful chemicals.”

Lilly’s Hummus representative stated that they source their garbanzo beans from organic farmers in California. When asked about the absence of glyphosate in their products they stated, regarding their suppliers, “They perform random field pre-checks on crops, and recognize glyphosate as one of the worst herbicides. We’re very gratified to produce a nourishing product safe for individuals and families free of this substance.”

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CA EPA Prop 65 Overhaul Has Companies Get Specific About Carcinogenic Chemicals

Screen_Shot_2018-08-30_at_3.18.47_PM.pngAugust 30 , 2018- Mission Viejo. Moms Across America applauds the decision by the Office of Environmental Health Hazard Assessment (OEHHA) of the California Environmental Protection Agency (CA EPA). Today is the day that the long-awaited changes go into effect for companies, manufacturers, and any responsible parties in the supply chain of exposing the public to harmful chemicals. From this day forward anyone exposing the public to chemicals known to cause cancer or reproductive harm in California must have warnings in place as follows or face a $2,500 fine per day, per violation.

Zen Honeycutt of Mom Across America stated, “We are thrilled that companies will now have to state specifically, by name, which chemical they are being exposed to. The public has a right to know.However, we are outraged that glyphosate, which is on the Prop 65 list and is sprayed on our food and around our schools and parks, will not be included because Monsanto sued the CA EPA to stop the labeling. This is an injustice to the American public which must be corrected immediately.”  Glyphosate herbicides were the subject of a recent lawsuit in which the plaintiff Dwayne Lee Johnson was awarded 289.2 million dollars from Monsanto for the causation of his non-Hodgkin’s Lymphoma,which he was exposed to while wearing protective gear as a school pesticide applicator

According to 30 years of EPA policy, normally glyphosate, which was placed on the Prop 65 list in 2017, would be included in this regulation. All products, such as Roundup sold in Home Depot,  would need to carry this warning today. All pesticide applicators would need to be informed that they were using products which cause cancer, and all farmers would see warning labels on their bulk purchases of glyphosate herbicides which they spray on our food crops.  However, Monsanto sued the CA EPA and the judge granted them a temporary injunction which stopped the labeling of glyphosate herbicides. Their reasoning was that Monsanto had the right to “free speech” meaning they and the other clients in the lawsuit, such as the Wheat Growers Association, had the right to not speak about whether their products or food ingredients contained a probable carcinogen. Nevermind that they also have the free will to make or use a chemical which exposes the public unknowingly to a carcinogen.

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