




  • バランス腸バイオーム
  • 呼吸器の健康をサポート
  • 環境曝露との闘い
  • 免疫機能を促進する
  • 精神的な明快さを高める

$ 25以上のシングルオーダーで送料無料!




小さく始めます。深刻な腸の問題を抱えている人のために一滴か二滴。小さじ1 / 8は一部の人に最適です。他の人のために1 / 2から1小さじ。深刻な腸の問題を抱えている人々のためのザックブッシュ博士によると、最初は腸にあまりにも多くの回復を入れて、ハリケーンを通過した家の被害を示すスポットライトのようになります。一度に多すぎると、腸の損傷が多くなり、けいれんやその他の反応を引き起こす可能性があります。小さく始めて、Restoreに腸内の微生物の光とコミュニケーションを少しずつゆっくりと輝かせましょう。最良の結果を得るには、一貫して服用してください。


Zach Bush MDは、内科、内分泌学および代謝、ホスピス/緩和ケアの専門知識を持つ、国内で数少ないトリプルボード認定の医師の1人です。ザック博士と彼の同僚が提供した画期的な科学は、人間の健康と長寿に関する深遠な新しい洞察を提供します。




Dr.Bushのチームは、Restore gutサプリメントについて「ゴールドスタンダード」の毒物学研究を実施し、高用量でも腎臓細胞に対して無毒であることを示しました。








See the label here.


Standard Usage: 1 teaspoon three times a day before or with meals for those over age 2, and 1/4 teaspoon three times a day is the typical usage for under two years old. Use can increase to 1 tablespoon three times daily to support health goals. At 3 teaspoons per day, an 8 oz bottle is a two-week supply, 16 oz a one-month supply, and 32 oz the best value as a two-month supply. Take RESTORE before meals for maximum efficacy. Optimally 30 minutes before a meal because of Restore’s protective effects versus gluten and especially glyphosate, but you can take it immediately before, with a meal, or after a meal and still receive benefit. Restore is vegan, organic, gluten-free, dairy-free, soy-free, latex-free, sulfite-free, preservative-free, non-GMO, and is produced in a facility free of allergens, including peanuts and tree nuts.


For the Hypersensitive Individuals: The more compromised or damaged the gut health of the individual, the more rapid and profound are the early results of the Restore supplement. These clinical results are not the direct effects of the Restore supplement, but instead, reflect the innate healing process that occurs in a body as the firewall system is back up and running. For many, this is an improvement in mental clarity and sensory processing in as little as hours or days of first use. There is a subset of individuals, often with the most abnormal gut function/immune systems, and highest levels of inflammation, that can experience symptoms of tiredness, headache, bloating/increased gas, or gut membrane changes including greenish loose stool.



Probiotics and Enzymes: We do not recommend long-term use of probiotics or digestive enzymes when using Restore. We prefer that the communication network of Restore be allowed to balance the normal bacterial biome and enzymatic digestive process. Oral introduction of high dose enzymes by mouth changes the rate and location of the digestive breakdown in the gut. Similarly, long-term use of probiotics creates an oversimplified monoculture in the bacterial biome. Use of either probiotics or digestive enzymes for a couple of weeks after antibiotic exposure or a viral illness is reasonable. Fermented foods are fine to consume when using Restore. Variety is important. In addition, avoid dairy-based ferments – ie yogurt, kefir, cheese. In individuals with leaky gut symptoms, select coconut milk or other non-dairy yogurts, etc.

Safety: We have demonstrated in the most extreme models of leaky gut symptoms in the cell laboratory that Restore has no cellular toxicity, and repairs tight junctions fast (18 hours), even in the face of 20,000 times the EPA-allowed levels of glyphosate. Not only is there no toxicity – even in the super sensitive kidney tubule safety studies, cell lifespan actually increases with each increase in the concentration of Restore, to the point of 100% concentrations in cell culture. This safety profile has not been demonstrated with any other compounds on the market.

Handling and Interactions: Restore does not need to be refrigerated, even after opening, although it can be refrigerated for long-term storage or for taste preference. Shelf life is two years. Restore is quite stable – we recommend taking it alone or adding it to non-chlorinated water in most cases; fresh juices or whole foods can also be used to mix it with a dietary element, though in general for best efficacy we like it before food intake. It should be taken separately from iodine and ASEA. Please note – Restore supports healthy gut membranes. This returns expected drug absorption to normal levels and improves the bioavailability of your supplements and food nutrients. If you are on a medication that requires blood level testing to adjust the dose, such as blood thinners or seizure medications, you should discuss Restore with your doctor, who may want to get testing done within a week of taking Restore, as you would do with a diet change or adding other mineral supplements. A good gut diet may include a supplement for gut health. 

