Conducted by アメリカ中のママ and Sustainable Pulse
4月 7, 2014
禅ハニーカット、ママ・アクロス・アメリカ | ヘンリー・ローランズ、持続可能なパルス
- プレスリリース
- グリホサートとは何ですか?
- テストに関する科学者からの引用
- テストに関する母親からの引用
- ヨーロッパでの同様の尿検査
- グリホサートに関する独立科学
- 試験方法
- テスト結果-テーブル/マップ
- 連絡先
- 参考文献
(1) World’s Number 1 Herbicide Discovered in U.S. Mothers’ Breast Milk
The levels found in the breast milk testing of 76 ug/l to 166 ug/l are 760 to 1600 times higher than the European Drinking Water Directive allows for individual pesticides (Glyphosate is both a pesticide and herbicide). They are however less than the 700 ug/l maximum contaminant level (MCL) for glyphosate in the U.S., which was decided upon by the U.S. Environmental Protection Agency (EPA) based on the now seemingly false premise that glyphosate was not bio-accumulative.
Moms Across AmericaとSustainable Pulseが委託したグリフォセートテストでは、Environmental Arts&Researchの支援を受けて、全米の35尿サンプルと21飲料水サンプルも分析し、尿中のレベルが10回を超えていることを発見しました2013の地球の友ヨーロッパによって行われた同様の調査で見つかったものよりも高い。
ミズーリ州セントルイスのMicrobe Inotech Labsで完了した初期テストは、完全な科学的研究を意図したものではありません。代わりに、世界中の規制機関と独立科学者によって、グリホサートに関する完全な査読付き科学研究を刺激し、開始するために設立されました。
Moms Across Americaの創設者兼ディレクターであるZen Honeycuttは、月曜日、次のように述べています。「1年以上前に、世界で最も広く使用されている除草剤について自分や子供の尿をテストできないと複数の医師や研究室から言われたとき、道を見つける決心。両親と市民は、除草剤が彼らの健康に影響を与える可能性があるかどうかを調べることにより、自分自身とその家族の世話をする能力に値します。このグリホサート試験プロジェクトの目的は、私たちの水、子供の体、母乳にグリホサートが存在することを明らかにすることであり、健康で安全な生活の場である世界を支援するさらなる科学的研究を促すことを願っています。
“It is important to note that the mothers and supporters who participated in this project are mostly familiar with GMOs and glyphosate. The majority of them have been trying to avoid GMOs and glyphosate for several months to two years, so the findings are alarming. We can only wonder what the levels of glyphosate are in those who are not aware of GMOs and glyphosate,” Honeycutt added.
現在、世中のどこでも母乳中のグリホサートの量に規制上の制限はありません。しかし、EPAは、飲料水中の700 ug / lのグリホサートの法的強制力のある最大汚染物質レベル(MCL)を設定しました。これはヨーロッパのMCLよりも7,000倍高い値です。
Monsanto and regulatory bodies worldwide have based all of their regulations on the assumption that glyphosate is not bio-accumulative. Senior Monsanto scientist, Dan Goldstein, even recently stated (1) , “If ingested, glyphosate is excreted rapidly, does not accumulate in body fat or tissues, and does not undergo metabolism in humans. Rather, it is excreted unchanged in the urine.”
The discovery of levels of glyphosate in breast milk that are much higher than any reported results for urine samples is a source of concern to both the general public and government regulators worldwide, as the data suggests that glyphosate is bio-accumulative; building up in people’s bodies over a period of time.
Earth Open Source Research Director Claire Robinson said, “Regulators and industry always say it is the dose that makes the poison, and even the increasing levels of glyphosate currently found in food and feed and the environment are not a problem. However, that argument only holds true if glyphosate doesn't build up in the human body and is excreted as fast as we take it in. These breast milk results suggest glyphosate may bio-accumulate. That means that our body tissues might be exposed to higher levels than the so-called safe levels set by regulators. So the regulations are not protecting us."
全米の州から母親から送られた合計10個のサンプルから、3人の女性は母乳中に検出可能なレベルのグリホサートがありました。グリホサートの最高レベルはフロリダの母親(166 ug / l)で検出され、「陽性」の結果を持つ他の2人の母親はバージニア(76 ug / l)およびオレゴン(99 ug / l)でした。 。
Dr Angelika Hilbeck, senior scientist at the Institute of Integrative Biology in Zurich, stated,
“If confirmed in a full investigation, it seems that glyphosate has become a ubiquitous chemical in terms of presence and persistence. This data also offers a first indication of potential accumulation in the human body, giving newborns a substantial dose of synthetic chemicals as a ‘gift' for their start into life, with unknown consequences. This is reckless and irresponsible conduct in a democratic society, which still has a living memory of previous reckless chemical contaminations, such as DDT. It seems we either did not learn, or we have forgotten, our lessons from Rachel Carson!”(2)
Honeycutt氏はさらに次のように付け加えています。「母乳は母親にとって一番の選択肢であり、GMO大豆配合成分よりも確実に好まれるはずであると、Moms Across Americaは非常に強く感じています。特に、収穫時に乾燥剤としてグリホサートを噴霧される肉、乳製品、油、穀物を避けるために、すべての母親にできるだけオーガニックに食べることをお勧めします。」
ヨーロッパの18か国の2013人で、Friends of The Earth Europe(3)が委託したテストにより、尿中にグリホサートの痕跡があることがわかりました。テストで見つかったグリホサートの最大レベルは、スイスの 0.16 ug / lからラトビアの 1.82 ug / lの範囲でした。
驚いたことに、Environmental Arts&Researchの支援を受けたMoms Across AmericaとSustainable Pulseによる新しい米国の検査では、尿中の最大グリホサートレベルがヨーロッパで検出されたレベルよりも8倍高いことがわかりました。
米国中から受信した35個のサンプルのうち、13個のサンプルは検出可能な最小レベルを超えていました。 3つの最高レベルはすべて女性で見つかり、オレゴンで最高でした(18.8 ug / l)。他の肯定的な結果は、カリフォルニア州、ワシントン州、メリーランド州、コロラド州、ハワイ州のサンプルで見つかりました。
ワシントン州立大学のチャールズ・ベンブルック教授(4)が発表した2012の研究では、3つの遺伝子組み換え除草剤耐性作物(綿、大豆、トウモロコシ)の生産におけるグホサートの使用が増加していることがわかりました。 Benbrookの分析は、農薬使用に対する遺伝子組み換え(GE)除草剤抵抗性(HT)作物の影響について、最初に査読され、公表された推定でした。
発見に対するベンブルックの応答:「現在、世界中の貿易チャネルを移動しているほとんどの遺伝子組み換え大豆には、2 ppmから10 ppm以上のグリホサートとその主要代謝産物であるAMPAが含まれています。飲料水、空気、さまざまな食物を通してグリホサートにさらされていますが、特に妊娠中や、器官系の発達への害のリスクが最も大きい子供の人生の最初の数年間にさらされることを心配しています。グリホサートの正常な発達を妨げる能力に緊急に必要でした」とベンブルックは述べました。
この最初のテストフェーズ21では、Moms Across Americaのサポーターが、米国全土からのグリホサートのサンプルを個別にテストしました。
サンプルの13には、 0.085 ug / l〜 0.33 ug / lのグリホサートレベルが含まれていました。これは、尿と母乳の両方で見られるレベルをはるかに下回っていますが、飲料水中のグリホサートのヨーロッパ(EU)の最大許容レベルは 0.1 ug / lであるため、依然として懸念事項です。
“It was a huge mistake by both the U.S. government and the biotech industry to promote and release products without long-term independent studies. What we are now looking at with glyphosate-based herbicides is a similar situation to what we all faced in the 20th Century with PCBs, DDT and Agent Orange,” Rowlands concluded.
試験結果と健康問題が急増しているため、Mothers Across AmericaはグリホサートをGE食品に噴霧することを中止し、食用作物の乾燥剤として使用することを求めています。小麦、トウモロコシ、大豆、砂糖、米、乾燥エンドウ豆、豆、茶などの食品。 EPAは、母親に受け入れられない許容レベルのグリホセートを含む160種類以上の食品をリストしています。
Moms Across AmericaとSustainable Pulseは次のことも求めています:
- グリホサート除草剤の販売および使用時の製剤が持続性、生物蓄積性、または毒性ないことを確認するための適切な長期独立テスト。このテストには、子供の健康に最も関連する結果を含める必要があります。
- 米国議会は、グリホサート除草剤製剤について、健康への影響、人体への侵入方法、人、動物、環境への現在の蓄積レベルなど、緊急に必要な長期の独立研究に資金を提供すべきです。これまで規制当局の認可のために行われた研究では、多くの研究で製剤が分離成分よりもはるかに毒性が高いことがわかっていても、分離された成分のグリホサートのみがテストされ、販売および使用された完全な製剤はテストされていませんでした。また、これらの研究は農薬産業によって資金提供されています。つまり、それらは独立していません。最後に、それらは商業的機密保持規則の下で秘密にされているので、独立した科学者や一般大衆によって精査することはできません。
母乳中に高レベルのグリホサートを発見したこの事例は、1970 sでのポリ塩化ビフェニル(PCB)スキャンダル(5)の再実行であり、その結果、有毒化合物の生産が米国によって禁止されました。 1979の議会。
母乳中のPCBのレベルが日本の大阪府の居住者から得られた血中の10倍であることが判明するまで(6)、規制当局によってPCBの毒性が疑われ、 1979禁止。
(2) グリホサートとは何ですか?
グリホサートは、ラウンドアップおよび他の市販のグリホサート除草剤製剤の推定有効成分です。グリホサートは、モンサント社のジョンE.フランツによって開発されました。 1972で最初に使用されたのは、特定の作用メカニズムを備えた非選択的で水溶性の除草剤:代謝中毒による植物の発育の直接的な中断です。この化学物質は、植物酵素5-エノールピルビルシキミ酸-3-リン酸シンターゼ(EPSPS)の特異的阻害剤であり、ヒトを含む哺乳類には存在しません。この既知の毒性メカニズムに基づいて、除草剤は哺乳動物種に対して低毒性であると主張されています。しかし、グリホサートとその製剤には他の毒性メカニズムがあります。
ラウンドアップに関するモンサントの米国特許は2000で失効し、2007で生産を停止しました。 PROMAXやWeatherMAXなど、モンサントが製造する他のグリホサート除草剤が現在使用されています。さらに、多くの一般的なグリホサート製剤(Clearout 41など)が世界中の少なくとも100メーカーによって生産されています。
Glyphosate is:
#1: A Patented Antibiotic – USPTO # 7771736. Leading to concerns about possible harm, including the killing of beneficial gut bacteria which causes immune system damage.
#2: Chelating Agent - Although glyphosate can be rapidly immobilized in soil (also spray tank mixtures, and plants) through chelation with various cat-ions (Ca, Mg, Cu, Fe, Mn, Ni, Zn), it is not readily degraded and can accumulate for years (in both soils and perennial plants). Glyphosate’s chelation properties may lead to possible harm such as vitamin and mineral deficiencies.
Glyphosate has been shown in several recent studies to be an endocrine disruptor. According to the National Institutes of Health, endocrine disruptors could have long-term effects on public health, especially reproductive health. And the “dose makes the poison” rule does not apply to endocrine disruptors, which wreak havoc on our bodies at low doses.
ほとんどの遺伝子組み換え(GM)作物は、モンサントのベストセラー製品である除草剤ラウンドアップに耐えるように設計されています。 Roundupの主な有効成分はグリホサートです。多くのグリホサート耐性作物もモンサントによって生産されています。
(3) テストに関する科学者からの引用
「モンサントのラウンドアップ除草剤で栽培、噴霧、乾燥させた西洋式の食事を食べる人は誰でも、体内でその有効成分であるグリホサートを見つけることが期待できます。グリホサートは、私たちの存在にとって重要な化学要素をキレートし、グルタチオンやCYP 450酵素などのビタミン合成と解毒酵素、および多くの必須アミノ酸を破壊します。グリホサートは抗生物質であり、免疫機能と全体的な健康に直接関与する数百種の細菌を殺すことができます。それは慢性毒素であり、他に類を見ない化学兵器であり、生物を直接的および間接的に殺すことができます。モンサントのラウンドアップグリホサートベースの除草剤は、実際、私たちの生物学と環境にとって最も破壊的な化学物質かもしれません。
「最近アメリカ全土のボランティアから収集された人間データのグリホサートは、一般集団のスナップショットとして機能します...母乳サンプルには、害を引き起こす可能性のあるレベル76から166 ug / Lが含まれていました。母親の母乳を通してグリホサートを摂取している赤ちゃんの考えは、この抗生物質化学物質からの逃避がないことを示すため、特に厄介です。
(4) テストに関する母親からの引用
Most recent map of glyphosate use in America with Breast Milk results. Red-Negative, Green Positive.
Moms Across Americaは、農場で散布する地元のグリホセートの量は、母親のグリホセートの検出可能な正または負のレベルと相関しないことを発見しました。 。メーカーは責任を負い、さらにテストを実施する必要があります。
(5) ヨーロッパでの同様の尿検査
When looking at the data from both of these tests please keep in mind that the U.S glyphosate testing has already detected glyphosate levels in urine of between 8.1 ug/l and 18.8 ug/l with a much smaller survey.
Determination of Glyphosate residues in human urine samples from 18 European countries: (Medical Laboratory Bremen commissioned by Friends of the Earth Europe)
In this study, 182 urine samples received from 18 European countries were analyzed for glyphosate and AMPA residues using a new GC-MSMS method. With a LOQ of 0.15 ug/l, on average 44 % and 36 % of the urine samples analyzed were found to contain quantifiable levels of glyphosate and AMPA, respectively. However the frequency of detection calculated for each individual EU-state ranged from 10% to 90%. The highest glyphosate concentration was 1.8 ug/L (Latvia), the highest AMPA concentration was 2.6 ug/L (Croatia). All in all 12 (6.6%) participants of the study significantly exceeded the tentative reference value of 0.8 ug/L for glyphosate.
動物およびヒトのグリホサート残留物の検出:Dr. MonikaKrüger
クルーガーの研究で検出されたグリホサートのレベルは、すべて人間の尿で2 ug / l未満でした。
(6) グリホサートに関する独立科学
Below is a small selection of these studies. For a wider selection please visit here: http://www.gmoevidence.com/location/roundup-evidence/
International Journal of Environmental Research and Public Healthで発表された研究は、グリホサート(Roundup)を世界中のいくつかの貧しい農業地域に影響を与える未知の起源の致命的な慢性腎臓病(CKDu)の一連の不可解な伝染病に結び付けています。 CKDuの現在の死亡者数は20 000であり、疾患数が400を超える者の数は000です。
Full Paper Here: http://www.mdpi.com/1660-4601/11/2/2125
この研究は、グリホサートがヒトホルモン依存性の乳がん、T47D細胞でのみ増殖効果を発揮したが、エストロゲン離脱条件でのホルモン依存性乳がん、MDA-MB231細胞では10-12から10-6 Mで増殖効果を発揮しなかったことを示します。
Full Paper Here: http://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/pubmed?term=Thongprakaisang%20S%5BAuthor%5D&cauthor=true&cauthor_uid=23756170
2010:グリホサートベースの除草剤は、レチノイン酸シグナル伝達を損なうことにより、脊椎動物に催奇形性効果をもたらす:Dr. Andres Carrasco(アルゼンチン)
ブエノスアイレス大学のAndres Carrasco教授率いるチームによるこの研究では、グリホサートとラウンドアップが非常に低用量でカエルと鶏の胚に先天異常を引き起こすことがわかりました。
More information on glyphosate’s possible links to birth defects can be found here: http://www.earthopensource.org/files/pdfs/Roundup-and-birth-defects/RoundupandBirthDefectsv5.pdf
規制目的で産業界から委託された研究で、ウサギおよびラットへのグリホサートの投与から奇形が見られました。これらの影響は、高母体毒性用量だけでなく、低用量でも見られました。そのような試験で使用される動物が少なすぎるため、低用量では統計的有意性が必ずしも達成されなかった。 「歴史的管理データ」およびその他の言い訳は、調査結果を却下するために使用されました。
Full paper here: http://omicsonline.org/2161-0525/2161-0525-S4-006.php?aid=7453
2004:神経管の欠陥と農業用殺虫剤散布への母親の住居の近接性:Dr. Rull(米国)
Full paper here: http://journals.lww.com/epidem/Fulltext/2004/07000/Neural_Tube_Defects_and_Maternal_Residential.499.aspx
Full paper here: http://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/pubmed/12060842
コカ作物に空中グリホサート除剤を散布したエクアドルの人々は、80 km離れた場所に住んでいる対照集団よりもはるかに高い程度の血液細胞のDNA損傷を示しました。研究者らは、タバコ、アルコール、非処方薬、アスベストを原因として除外しました。サンプルを採取したときに、他の除草剤または農薬を使用した、または暴露した個人はいませんでした。この研究では、腸の痛みと嘔吐、下痢、発熱、心臓の動pit、頭痛、めまい、しびれ、不眠症、burning熱感、かすみ目、呼吸困難、皮膚発疹など、グリホサート噴霧に対する急性中毒反応も発見されました。
Full paper here: http://www.scielo.br/pdf/gmb/v30n2/a26v30n2.pdf
Full paper here: http://aje.oxfordjournals.org/content/146/12/1025.full.pdf
2005:グリホサートとラウンドアップがヒト胎盤細胞とアロマターゼに及ぼす異なる果:Dr Seralini(フランス)
2006:ヒト胚およ胎盤細胞に対するラウンドアップの時間および用量依存効果:Dr Seralini(フランス)
これらのin vitro実験では、グリホサートはヒト胎盤細胞に対して毒性があることがわかり、ラウンドアップ製剤はより毒性が強かった。グリホサートとラウンドアップは、in vitroでヒト胚細胞と胎盤細胞を、農業での使用が推奨される濃度よりもかなり低い濃度で損傷しました。この研究の著者は、Roundupが人間の生殖および胚発生を妨げる可能性があると結論付けました。
(7) 試験方法
飲料水、尿、母乳のテストは、Micro Inotech Laboratories、Inc.(MiL inc。)が実施しました。
水(地下水、地表水、井戸水)、尿、母乳中のグリホサートの検出と定量のために、MiL Inc. 96ウェルのマイクロタイタープレートアッセイを使用します。土壌、作物、および食品の場合、追加の準備手順が必要ですが、少額の追加料金で処理できます。このアッセイは、酵素結合免疫吸着アッセイ法(ELISA)の原理をグリホサートの測定に適用します。
反応は60分間継続します。洗浄ステップと基質(色溶液)の添加後、色信号(青色)が生成されます。グリホサートの存在は、酵素基質(過酸化水素)と色素原(3,3 '、5,5'-テトラメチルベンジジン)を含む「Color Solution」を加えることで検出されます。グリホサート抗体に結合した酵素標識グリホサートは、基質/色素原混合物の着色生成物への変換を触媒します。
インキュベーション期間の後、希釈された酸(Stopping Solution)を加えることにより、反応を停止して安定させます。標識されたグリホサート(コンジュゲート)は抗体部位の標識されていないグリホサート(サンプル)と競合するため、発色はサンプル中のグリホサートの濃度に反比例します。
非水銀防腐剤と安定剤を含む蒸留水中のグリホサート標準液の6つの濃度(0、0.75、0.2、0.5、1.0、4.0 ppb)を使用して標準応答曲線を作成します。グリホサートの約 0.75 ppbの対照溶液は、すべての分析に含まれ、未知のサンプルと同じ方法で処理され、アッセイ内の陽性対照として機能します。色の吸光度は、マイクロプレートリーダーを使用して読み取られます(図を参照)。
計算されたグリホサート濃度が 0.05 ppb未満の場合、グリホサートが存在しないと報告されているグリホサートの検出限界(尿の場合は7.5 ppbの検出限界)(75 ppbの検出限界母乳)。
(8) 試験結果
Partial display. Interactive Map at http://batchgeo.com/map/9bcabad4abf8e4c4fafa883251c6754d
プロジェクト番号 |
サンプル # |
試験結果 |
年齢 |
性別 |
重量 |
状態 |
ジップ |
062A |
1 |
<75 ug / L |
26 |
F |
105 |
IL |
62521 |
062B |
1 |
<75 ug / L |
43 |
F |
225 |
NV |
89109 |
062C |
1 |
<75 ug / L |
32 |
F |
113 |
CA |
95521 |
062D |
1 |
<75 ug / L |
26 |
F |
110 |
AZ |
85741 |
062E |
1 |
99 ug / L |
28 |
F |
165 |
または |
97202 |
62F |
1 |
76 ug / L |
22 |
F |
100 |
バ |
23220 |
062G |
1 |
166 ug / L |
30 |
F |
180 |
FL |
32726 |
062H |
1 |
<75 ug / L |
39 |
F |
145 |
共同 |
80229 |
062I |
1 |
<75 ug / L |
29 |
F |
130 |
IA |
50031 |
062J |
1 |
<75 ug / L |
30 |
F |
125 |
PA |
17601 |
Partial display. Interactive Map link to Urine Test results for glyphosate http://batchgeo.com/map/997080dd3f0dbc59b5de665f4ea04bf1
プロジェクト番号 |
サンプル # |
マトリックス(水/尿) |
試験結果 |
年齢 |
性別 |
重量(ポンド) |
状態 |
ジップ |
glyph001 |
1 |
U |
8.7 ug / L |
8 |
M |
52 |
CA |
92691 |
glyph002 |
1 |
U |
<75 ug / L |
67 |
F |
130 |
こんにちは |
96821 |
glyph004 |
1 |
U |
8.5 ug / L |
13 |
CA |
91320 |
glyph007 |
2 |
U |
<7.5 ug / L |
44 |
F |
180 |
FL |
33030 |
グリフ014 |
2 |
U |
<7.5 ug / L |
39 |
F |
130 |
PA |
19072 |
グリフ016 |
2 |
U |
15.5 ug / L |
52 |
F |
140 |
NC |
28711 |
グリフ018 |
2 |
U |
15.6 ug / L |
69 |
F |
127 |
CA |
95608 |
glyph023 |
1 |
U |
9.2 ug / L |
65 |
M |
210 |
MD |
20874 |
グリフ020 |
3 |
U |
<7.5 ug / L |
45 |
F |
125 |
MD |
21022 |
グリフ037 |
1 |
U |
<7.5 ug / L |
64 |
M |
140 |
NH |
03037 |
グリフ036 |
1 |
U |
<7.5 ug / L |
53 |
F |
120 |
CA |
91377 |
グリフ038 |
2 |
U |
<7.5 ug / L |
68 |
F |
129 |
CA |
91361 |
グリフ038 |
2 |
U |
8.5 ug / L |
13 |
M |
100 |
CA |
91320 |
glyph040 |
1 |
U |
<7.5 ug / L |
39 |
F |
FL |
34219 |
glyph042 |
1 |
U |
<7.5 ug / L |
63 |
F |
120 |
CA |
94920 |
glyph044 |
1 |
U |
15.5 ug / L |
60 |
F |
130 |
または |
97520 |
glyph044 |
2 |
U |
18.8 ug / L |
26 |
F |
109 |
または |
97520 |
glyph046 |
1 |
U |
13.3 ug / L |
66 |
F |
160 |
ワ |
98036 |
glyph046 |
2 |
U |
<75 ug / L |
4 |
F |
40 |
ワ |
98036 |
グリフ048 |
1 |
U |
<7.5 ug / L |
40 |
F |
115 |
CA |
92691 |
グリフ048 |
2 |
U |
<7.5 ug / L |
11 |
M |
75 |
CA |
92691 |
グリフ048 |
3 |
U |
<7.5 ug / L |
5 |
M |
36 |
CA |
92691 |
グリフ048 |
1 |
U |
<7.5 ug / L |
8 |
M |
56 |
CA |
92691 |
グリフ055 |
1 |
U |
<7.5 ug / L |
39 |
F |
130 |
CA |
92672 |
グリフ055 |
2 |
U |
<7.5 ug / L |
4 |
M |
35 |
CA |
92672 |
グリフ055 |
3 |
U |
<7.5 ug / L |
4 |
M |
38 |
CA |
92672 |
グリフ059 |
1 |
U |
8.1 ug / L |
6 |
M |
49 |
共同 |
80302 |
グリフ064 |
2 |
U |
14.6 ug / L |
4 |
F |
45 |
モ |
63701 |
glyph066a |
1 |
U |
<7.5 ug / L |
31 |
F |
115 |
こんにちは |
96725 |
glyph066c |
1 |
U |
<7.5 ug / L |
61 |
F |
129 |
CA |
95066 |
glyph066d |
1 |
U |
<7.5 ug / L |
31 |
M |
180 |
こんにちは |
96732 |
glyph066da |
1 |
U |
8.6 ug / L |
28 |
M |
160 |
こんにちは |
96729 |
glyph066e |
1 |
U |
<7.5 ug / L |
42 |
M |
200 |
こんにちは |
96729 |
glyph066f |
1 |
U |
<7.5 ug / L |
9 |
M |
75 |
CA |
92691 |
glyph068 |
1 |
U |
10.5 ug / L |
33 |
F |
140 |
こんにちは |
96761 |
glyph073 |
1 |
U |
<7.5 ug / L |
64 |
F |
131 |
NV |
89439 |
グリフ075 |
1 |
U |
<7.5 ug / L |
71 |
F |
136 |
バ |
22033 |
glyph077 |
1 |
U |
<7.5 ug / L |
68 |
M |
145 |
TX |
79453 |
glyph080 |
1 |
U |
<7.5 ug / L |
12 |
F |
75 |
こんにちは |
96741 |
glyph081 |
1 |
U |
<7.5 ug / L |
63 |
M |
180 |
ワ |
98072 |
Partial display. Interactive Map at http://www.batchgeo.com/map/8b5b606dab90cba4e8fe828fe0dedeb5
プロジェクト番号 |
マトリックス(水/尿) |
レベル |
状態 |
ジップ |
glyph001 |
W |
0.085 ug / L |
CA |
92691 |
glyph002 |
W |
0.123 ug / L |
共同 |
96821 |
glyph004 |
W |
0.17 ug / L |
CA |
91320 |
glyph007 |
W |
<0.05 ug / L |
FL |
33030 |
グリフ014 |
W |
0.167 ug / L |
PA |
19072 |
グリフ016 |
W |
0.086 ug / L |
NC |
28711 |
グリフ018 |
W |
0.087 ug / L |
ウィスコンシン州 |
53588 |
グリフ020 |
W |
0.140 ug / L |
CA |
95608 |
グリフ020 |
W |
0.151 ug / L |
CA |
95608 |
グリフ027 |
W |
0.212 ug / L |
MD |
21022 |
グリフ027 |
W |
0.116 ug / L |
MD |
21022 |
グリフ028 |
W |
<0.05 ug / L |
IL |
60441 |
グリフ036 |
W |
<0.05 ug / L |
CA |
91377 |
グリフ038 |
W |
<0.05 ug / L |
CA |
91361 |
glyph039 |
W |
0.33 ug / L |
ニューヨーク |
12561 |
glyph042 |
W |
<0.05 ug / L |
CA |
94920 |
グリフ064 |
W |
0.096 ug / L |
モ |
63701 |
glyph071 |
W |
0.22 ug / L |
glyph072 |
W |
<0.05 ug / L |
CT |
06105 |
glyph080 |
W |
<0.05 ug / L |
96741 |
glyph082 |
W |
<0.05 ug / L |
NC |
27973 |
glyph083 |
W |
<0.05 ug / L |
CA |
92691 |
これらの結果は、Multipure(。17 ug / l)およびPursanova(<。0.05 ug / l逆浸透システムからのものです。すべての逆浸透システムがグリホサートを検出可能なレベルより低いレベルで除去するわけではないことを示しています。
(9) Contacts:
Henry Rowlands, Director, Sustainable Pulse, www.sustainablepulse.com , Skype: henry.rowlands
Zen Honeycutt, Founder and Director of Moms Across America, www.momsacrossamerica.com, [email protected], Skype: zen.honeycutt. Moms Across America is a national coalition of unstoppable Moms. “Empowered Moms, Healthy Kids.”
Microbe Inotech Labs, Inc. 11754 Westline Industrial Dr., St. Louis, MO 63146-3402 Phone: 1-800-688-9144 www.microbeinotech.com
10) References:
- http://gmoanswers.com/ask/given-glyphosate-lipid-soluble-and-knowing-its-really-only-ingested-humans-through-gm-foods-how
- http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Rachel_Carson
- https://www.foeeurope.org/weed-killer-glyphosate-found-human-urine-across-Europe-130613
- http://www.enveurope.com/content/24/1/24
- http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Polychlorinated_biphenyl
- http://link.springer.com/article/10.1007%2FBF00454276
遺伝子組み換え Contamination Denial: Controlling Science
09 12月 2014
Don Fitz
Did you ever think that investigation of the potential dangers of putting GMOs (genetically modified organisms) into food would be based on objective research? Or that unbiased reviews of research by academic journals would chart a steady march toward scientific truth? If so, you would be very wrong. Through all of its phases, scientific research is subject to repression, manipulation and more insidious forms of control that push it toward a profit-based consensus.
Suppression of 遺伝子組み換え Research
Three well-known 遺伝子組み換え studies form a pattern of authors’ being harassed, intimidated and even having their findings “retracted” or withdrawn by a scientific journal after being published.
(6 7月 2014) A report by the Ministry of Health in Córdoba, Argentina reveals that deaths from cancerous tumours are double the national average in areas where genetically engineered crops are grown and agro-chemicals are used.
This comprehensive report documented five years of information on cancer cases in the province. Glyphosate – the herbicide that underpins most 遺伝子組み換え cropping – and its major degradation product, AMPA have been detected in lakes, soils, and even in rainwater in these most affected regions.
It provides more evidence that, far from being the miracle it is claimed to be, industrial, 遺伝子組み換え driven cropping is turning into a public health hell.
The highest rate of death occurs in the “pampa gringa” area, where most 遺伝子組み換え crops are grown and most agrochemicals are used.
(6 7月 2014) A report by the Ministry of Health in Córdoba, Argentina reveals that deaths from cancerous tumours are double the national average in areas where genetically engineered crops are grown and agro-chemicals are used.
This comprehensive report documented five years of information on cancer cases in the province. Glyphosate – the herbicide that underpins most 遺伝子組み換え cropping – and its major degradation product, AMPA have been detected in lakes, soils, and even in rainwater in these most affected regions.
It provides more evidence that, far from being the miracle it is claimed to be, industrial, 遺伝子組み換え driven cropping is turning into a public health hell. ��
The highest rate of death occurs in the “pampa gringa” area, where most 遺伝子組み換え crops are grown and most agrochemicals are used.
Seralini has been republished which is great so scientists can know what he found out. More research is needed but the direction of travel is clear – GMO’s are not safe – even Mondanto’s own safety assecessments proved that!
For good information see 遺伝子組み換え Myths and Truths where the arguments are cset out very clearly.
1。あなたは、「予防原則は絶対的なものではない...」と述べています。 GM作物と非GM作物を「実質的に同等」(SE)と表現する用語に科学的根拠がないことをご存知ですか。通常、非GM品種とGM品種の間のミネラルおよびアミノ酸含有量を含むさまざまな要因が比較されます。範囲がGM作物と比較できる場合、SEはSEとみなされます。問題は、遺伝子組み換えの観点から非GMおよびGM作物が考慮されていないことです。たとえば、除草剤耐性作物には、非GM作物には含まれない除草剤が含まれますが、それでもSEと見なされます。また、非GM作物とGM作物がSEであった場合、なぜGM作物に特許を取得できるのでしょうか?
食品および化学毒性学の編集者への手紙(2013)で、Viljoenは、「グリホサートの安全性に関連する最も中心的な問題の1つ」®「耐性GM作物、しかしほとんどの研究では無視されている」商業的除草剤を、摂食研究で使用されている作物の処理慣行に含めるべきかどうか。 R作物の人間の安全性を具体的に決定するための動物飼料研究に関する科学文献の検索、キャノーラ(1)、トウモロコシ(8)および大豆(7)(表1)。 Rの適用は3つの研究でのみ指摘されましたが、これらの2つでは実験を独立して繰り返すことができるようにさらに説明されていません。したがって、R耐性GMコーン、キャノーラ、または大豆の安全性を評価する給餌試験では、食物連鎖で見られるものに匹敵することが知られている製品を使用したことは確かです。 …
2。 「生物学的に重要ではない」という用語に関しては、GM安全性研究のデータの異常を説明するために多く使用されているにもかかわらず、その使用の科学的根拠もありません。むしろ論文が述べるべきことは、異常の効果や重要性は知られていないか理解されていないということです。しかし、これは、一般的にGM食品の安全性について不必要な疑問が生じることを業界が恐れているために起こりません。
Stick to facts and we will all agree. The first thing we need to do is have proper safety testing. Agreed?
See 遺伝子組み換え Myths and Truths – it’s on line and written by scientists which is not the same as your last piece or shall we say contribution Chuck of the GTF!
Just typical of you Chuck not to agree to testing like MAA’s wonderful work on breastmilk. Being part of the GTF it’s the l;ast thing you want – Seralini, MAA or anyone else to find out what is actually happening!
Read this…
A new study found, the largest investigation to date has found a dramatic increase in the number of hospitalizations for children with inflammatory bowel disease (IBD) during the past decade in the United States.
The new study, published online in the Journal of Investigative Medicine, found a 65 percent increase in IBD hospital discharges from 2000 to 2009. The number increased from 11,928 discharges in 2000 to 19,568 discharges in 2009.
The same is happening in China – a huge increase in NCD’s – non communicable diseases. It is perhaps no coincidence that China uses a lot of Roundup?
Largest producer of glyphosate of the world.
Largest exporter of glyphosate of the world, including export of glyphosate to Monsanto to produce Roundup formula herbicide.
Massive environment pollution caused by illegal discharge of toxic industrial waste from production of glyphosate.
China is major importer of Monsanto’s Roundup, which accounts to 80% of China’s herbicide market.
China widely applies Roundup and other glyphosate-based herbicide, causing widespread pollution.
China is largest importer of RR soybeans, RR canola processed into RR soybean food oil and RR canola food oil, flooding the Chinese market
Chinese researchers identified AMPA, metabolites of glyphosate, toxic, in RR soybean food oil.
RR soybean protein powder, containing higher levels of glyphostate, is added to sausages, ham, frozen food, cakes, cookies, bread, even infant formula milk powder and wheat-flour in China.
It cannot be good for us Chuck – common sense should tell us that!
But you don’t believe in common sense or the precautionary principle do you?
予防原則を適用するプロセスは、オープンで、情報に富み、民主的でなければならず、影響を受ける可能性のある当事者を含めなければなりません。また、アクションなしを含む、あらゆる選択肢の検討も必要です。 。 。 。可能な限り、費用対効果が高くなければなりません。
“Now, for what I assure you is the last time… " Play it again Sam!!!
You and every other industry apologist ignore one really important fact. The thing that the industry promised would never happen has now happened. The industry promised based on “scientific evidence” that glyphosate breaks down quickly making it harmless. The fact that glyphosate is breast milk even at low levels debunks the “breaks down quickly” argument. So now the industry is trying to save face by saying that levels of pesticides are low – but don’t consider cumulative effects. It’s not just the industry that is to blame – the EPA have their heads stuck in the sand and are too afraid to pull them out – ignorance is bliss.
The problem with your response as with most of the industry apologists is typified in an article by Steve Savage: “Pesticides: Probably Less Scary Than You Imagine”. Based on LD50 values for acute oral toxicity he makes the following statement: “97% of pesticides used in California, for instance, are less toxic than caffeine or aspirin. Agricultural technologist Steve Savage argues that, sometimes, increased herbicide use is actually a good thing.” http://appliedmythology.blogspot.com/2012/09/pesticides-probably-less-scary-than-you.html
It sounds logical until you actually break the numbers down into facts:
Pure caffeine has an LD50 of 127mg/kg. So a 100 kg person would have to ingest 12.7 grams of pure caffeine for acute toxicity. An average cup of brewed coffee contains about 150 mg of caffeine per cup. In order to get to acute toxic levels a person would have to drink about 85 cups of coffee in one go! (Please don’t try this at home!)
Pure aspirin has an LD50 of 200 mg/kg. So a 100 kg person would have to ingest 20 grams of pure aspirin for acute toxicity. An average aspirin tablet contains between 75-81 mg of aspirin. In order to get to acute toxic levels a person would have to drink about 247-267 aspirin tablets in one go! (Please don’t try this at home!)
Pure glyphosate has an LD50 of 5000 mg/kg. So a 100 kg person would have to ingest 500 grams of pure glyphosate for acute toxicity. The average commercial formulation of glyphosate contains about 360 grams/L of glyphosate. In order to get to acute toxic levels a person would have to drink about 1.4 L of glyphosate formulation.
Makes sense right! Well not quite because in a study by Roberts et al (2010) they found that ingesting just 200 mL of glyphosate formulation (containing about 72 grams of glyphosate) – was in their own words “fatal” (resulting in death) (Monsanto participated in the Roberts study). They also found that 19 grams of glyphosate resulted in “moderate to severe effects (“Poisoning requiring intervention, for example, hypotension, respiratory failure requiring intubation, ventricular dysrhythmias or cardiac arrest, marked sedation or coma, seizures, or oliguria”). http://informahealthcare.com/doi/pdf/10.3109/15563650903476491
So this means that:
1. The real LD50 of glyphosate is actually lower than that reported. How low is it actually? Answer: We don’t know!
2. There does appear to be a dose dependant effect, despite your argument to the contrary.
3. If glyphosate has a fatal effect at one order of magnitude below the reported LD50, what effect is it having at lower doses that appear to be absorbed by the body?
At this point sane people ask for more testing and investigation. Industry apologists are all in denial stating that “Unfortunately (unfortunate for their credibility), there is evidence to support a claim, the claim that Roundup and other glyphosate-containing herbicides do not cause harm to humans at the levels found on the food we buy.”
Ps. Have you thought about where the glyphosate in breast milk and urine is coming from if according to you it is filtered out of the drinking water?
The key point that you have completely missed is that the industry have always argued that Roundup would NEVER bio-accumulate in the body. So the crucial point is that it should simply not be there in breast milk or sperm. Agreed? So regulators who have accepted the industry studies should now be asking why is this happening.
It is not sensible to attack researchers who are being responsible in raising these questions. This is what independent science is about.
To question it is unscientific.
So let’s do proper tests on breast milk and sperm across America to settle this one way or another – agreed?
Moms Acrsoss America have made a great start – let’s all congratulate them.
The study found no difference in sperm concentration, viability and mobility, but there was an increase in abnormal sperm formation measured 2, 3, and 4 months after this short exposure.
The study, the first to measure the delayed effects of exposure to Roundup on sperm in mammals from a short exposure, was conducted by a team including Prof Gilles-Eric Séralini at the University of Caen, France.
Roundup was found to change gene expression in sperm cells, which could alter the balance of the sex hormones androgen and estrogen. A negative impact on sperm quality was confirmed, raising questions about impaired sperm efficiency. The authors suggested that repeated exposures to Roundup at doses lower than those used in agriculture could damage mammalian reproduction over the long term.
The study’s findings should raise alarm in farm workers, as well as people who spray Roundup for municipal authorities and even home gardeners. People exposed to lower doses repeated over the long term, including consumers who eat food produced with Roundup and people who happen to be exposed to others’ spraying activities, should also be concerned.
Those who want to conceive a child should take special measures to minimise their exposure, including eating organic food and lobbying for a ban on Roundup spraying in their neighbourhoods.
An acute exposure to glyphosate-based herbicide alters aromatase levels in testis and sperm nuclear quality
Estelle Cassault-Meyer, Steeve Gress, Gilles-Éric Séralini, Isabelle Galeraud-Denis
Environmental Toxicology and Pharmacology
Volume 38, Issue 1, 7月 2014, pp. 131–140
1。 「あなたのコミュニティ」の飲料水には含まれていないと言いますが、それはそれを除去するための治療の前後ですか? 「あなたのコミュニティ」からのデータへのリンクを投稿できますか?
の中に 米国: http://onlinelibrary.wiley.com/doi/10.1111/jawr.12159/full
カナダで: http://link.springer.com/article/10.1007/s11356-011-0600-7#
アルゼンチンでは: http://www.sciencedirect.com/science/article/pii/S0045653513008837
These are desperate times I guess when you have to reference Wiki: http://bit.ly/SlvQXN = http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Appeal_to_authority (nothing personal Wiki)
Do you know that while the EPA monitor pesticide levels in water – they exclude glyphosate! I wonder why?
You cannot spray the earth with toxic chemicals without any adverse effects!
Re Gish Gallop – it perfectly fits you Chuck – thanks for introducing me to it!!
The Gish Gallop is the debating technique of drowning the opponent in such a torrent of small arguments that their opponent cannot possibly answer or address each one in real time. More often than not, these myriad arguments are full of half-truths, lies, and straw-man arguments – the only condition is that there be many of them, not that they be particularly compelling on their own. They may be escape hatches or “gotcha” arguments that are specifically designed to be brief, but take a long time to unravel. Thus, galloping is frequently used in timed debates (especially by creationists and 遺伝子組み換え proponents) to overwhelm one’s opponent.
Kinda fits you Chuck….
“Last October, a group of 93 international scientists issued a statement saying there was a lack of empirical and scientific evidence to support what they said were false claims the biotech industry was making about a ‘consensus’ on safety.”
On Twitter, the author at Reuters was accused in these words, “You are willfully ignoring the scientific consensus on this.” He dismissed the group, European Network of Scientists for Social and Environmental Responsibility (ENSSER), which published the statement, as “a smattering of outliers and 遺伝子組み換え opponents.”
ENSSER members include Hans Herren, Ph.D., founder and president of Biovision Foundation and winner of the World Food Prize; Angela Hilbeck, senior scientist at the Institute of Integrative Biology at the Swiss Federal Institute of Technology, and David Schubert, Ph.D., professor and director of cellular neurobiology, The Salk Institute for Biological Studies, among others.
Such respected scientists are hardly “outliers.”
Chuck – say who pays you? And why don’t you answer the question – should we now do comprehensive testing of 遺伝子組み換え and Roundup?
Chucks amazing ability to ない answer questions shows how he is an industry plant on this website. Gish Gallop is his speciality under the false guise of ‘science’.
He never answers questions! MAA are absolutely right to ask that proper testing takes place given that most studies by industry show no safety issues while all independent studies show problems.
To cap it all would you trust Monsanto, Dow etc who have horrific levels of contaminating the environment and people.
Sylvester Harris, 63, an undertaker who lived across the street from the Monsanto plant, said he always thought he was burying too many young children.
“I knew something was wrong around here,” he said.
A literature review of GM food safety studies found about an equal number of research groups suggesting that GM foods were safe and groups raising serious concerns. However, most studies concluding that GM foods are as nutritious and safe as non-GM counterparts were performed by the companies responsible for developing the 遺伝子組み換え or associates.
In spite of the fact that industry-linked studies are biased in favour of conclusions of safety, approvals for GM crops are based solely on industry studies.
“In a study involving 94 articles selected through objective criteria, it was found that the existence of either financial or professional conflict of interest was associated [with] study outcomes that cast genetically modified products in a favourable light.”
– Johan Diels, CBQF/Escola Superior de Biotecnologia da Universidade Católica Portuguesa, Portugal, and colleagues
A comprehensive review of the scientific literature on the health risks and nutritional wholesomeness of GM foods found that studies in which authors had a financial or professional conflict of interest with the 遺伝子組み換え industry were more likely to conclude that the 遺伝子組み換え was as safe and nutritional as the non-GM food tested.
遺伝子組み換え Myths and Truths – see it online – it is the most comprehensive assessment of the issues of 遺伝子組み換え.
Chuck is a representative from the chemical lobby as I have said many times – GTF! The big picture is this:
Would you trust the chemical companies ever again? Look at their history of abuse…
In 2004 the residents of Nitro, West Virginia, sued Monsanto for for the harm they had suffered as a result of Monsanto’s manufacture of Agent Orange and 2.4.5-T. The class action focused only on the dioxin accusing Monsanto of burning dioxin wastes in the community. In 2月 2012, Monsanto agreed to settle the case for $93 million. This is not damages – this money is just a bribe to stop the case! All the harm they have done over the eight years and more ..still goes on… Miscarriages, cancers, inability to concentrate and death etc..
Dow Chemical was doing the same along with other companies – dumping dioxins into the environment 28 years after the EPS had sounded the alarm!
Mary Gade of the EPA assured the American people that the 2007 settlement would force Dow to clean up three contaminated hotspots. But she spoke too soon – the EPA cut off cleanup talks with Dow Chemical just six months later so nothing happened – no cleanup!
And that’s how it stands. Would you trust anything they say about glyphosate and GMO’s – you bet you wouldn’t.
Williams et al (2012): An industry sponsored review of glyphosate that ignores the safety of the formulation and focusses on pure glyphosate:
Bellé et al. (2012): Response to Williams et al (2012) pointing out that they found the formulation Roundup containing glyphosate to be harmful since the formulation contains a surfactant that enables glyphosate uptake by the cell:
Viljoen (2013): Comment on the toxicity of glyphosate in formulation and this being ignored by Williams et al (2012). Viljoen (2013) also notes that most animal feeding studies to prove Roundup tolerant GM crops safe do not include the application of glyphosate and are therefore not a true test of safety:
We began work on 遺伝子組み換え Myths and Truths in 2010, prompted by frequent claims that the case against genetically modifying our food supply had no science behind it. As we had followed the scientific debate and evidence on genetically modified (GM) crops and foods since the early 1990s, we knew that this was untrue.
Another driving factor was the inflated claims that were being made for GM crops. The public was being told that they would make agriculture more sustainable, provide higher yields to feed the world’s growing population, reduce pesticide use, help meet the challenges of climate change, provide more nutritious foods, and make farming easier and more profitable.
We knew that these claims were at best questionable and at worst false. GM had not provided a single crop that had sustainably delivered these benefits. On the contrary, a considerable and growing body of scientific evidence pointed not only to potential hazards but also to actual harm from GMOs (genetically modified organisms) to animal and human health and the environment. But this evidence was not reaching the public, campaigners, policy-makers, or even the majority of scientists.
We decided to produce a document explaining the evidence in simple language. Initially we planned a short 10-page document. But it grew – and grew. We finally published the first edition of 遺伝子組み換え Myths and Truths as a free download on the Earth Open Source website in 6月 2012, with more than 120 pages and over 600 references, 280 of them to peer- reviewed papers.
Unexpectedly for such a dry, technical publication, 遺伝子組み換え Myths and Truths appeared to hit a nerve. Its publication coincided with a big push for 遺伝子組み換え labelling in the United States and campaigners in many states made good use of it. Requests for press interviews flooded in from North America. Well-wishers mailed thousands of copies to the US for those campaigning for 遺伝子組み換え food labelling to use and send to their Congressmen and women. Within weeks, 遺伝子組み換え Myths and Truths had been translated into Mandarin and published on a Chinese blog. Spanish speakers translated parts for dissemination in South America.
In India, where citizens and farmers were smarting from a series of scandals and disasters involving GM Bt cotton, a publishing company asked for our permission to print a few thousand copies under their imprint. They sold them as cheaply as they could manage, given that their target readership was poor villagers and farmers. We were invited to speak in countries all over the world by citizen, government, and industry organizations.
It is the best information out there!
Eg has 遺伝子組み換え and glyphosate ever been tested for safety.
We know the reason why – every time there has been independent testing they have found problems. Even Monsanto’s own testing for the EU had issues that were ignored.
So why don’t we do proper testing?
Why we distrust Monsanto and the other chemical companies. They have a long history of falsifying results. I have shown how recently courts in France told Monsanto to stop advertising Roundup as biodegradable and courts in S.Africa did the same. Here is just one bit of history of Monsanto’s treachery aimed at deceiving the American families and farmers.
The EPA relied on Monsanto’s dioxin studies in everything it did. Monsanto subverted its EPA dioxin studies by covering up diseases suffered by its factory workers and even excluded all the workers with cancer by adding them to the control group to make their workers results look normal. Monsanto alone was responsible for the falsification of its own dioxin studies. Monsanto altered their research to " prove to the world that the only health consequences of dioxins was the relative harmless, reversible skin condition of chloracne".
Because of this the already corrupted EPA failed to acknowledge that dioxins cause cancers or other serious health effects (despite the fact that it’s own studies had shown that dioxins were “the most toxic chemical known to man”) for over 20 years. Based on Monsanto’s deliberate falsification The White House even ordered the Centre Disease Control – CDC – to reject veterans claims that their terrible suffering through cancers had anything to do with exposure to dioxins. Monsanto – shame on you!
Most shocking of all this false research it enabled the White House to avoid paying all those poor veterans their health bills even though they had fought courageously for America while being sickened by Monsanto’s Agent Orange/dioxins caused when defoliating the forests in Vietnam!
As usual there was a great deal of money at stake! Monsanto and The White House did not want American families making the connection between poisons that had caused cancer in soldiers in Vietnam and the dioxin laced pesticides citizens used in their homes and lawns.
If you thought that was enough Cate Jackson at the EPA was forced out of her job for leading the dioxin research that showed dioxins in pesticides and other household chemicals was as toxic as their own research showed. This happened several times as the EPA wanted to remove her and her courageous campaigning but each time judges forced the EPA to reappoint her. Well done Cate – a true warrior for the truth.
If you want independent science look at 遺伝子組み換え Myths and Truths – they know what they are talking about.
Roundup more toxic than glyphosate
In an in vitro study, eight out of nine major pesticides tested in vitro in their complete formulations, including Roundup, were up to 1,000 times more toxic to human cells than their isolated active ingredients. This increased toxicity of the complete formulation compared with the active ingredient alone was found to be a general principle of pesticide toxicology.8
This principle has been confirmed by experiments in living mammals. An in vivo study in pigs showed that the adjuvant POEA and commercial glyphosate herbicide formulations were toxic and lethal to the pigs, whereas glyphosate alone had no such effects.9 An in vivo study in rats showed that POEA and Roundup formulations containing POEA were more toxic than glyphosate alone.10
Damage to DNA
Glyphosate herbicides altered cell cycle checkpoints in sea urchin embryos by interfering with the DNA repair machinery. Cell cycle dysfunction was seen from the first cell division in the sea urchin embryos.11,12,13,14 The failure of cell cycle checkpoints is known to lead to genomic instability and cancer in humans.
Glyphosate and its main metabolite AMPA have been found to cause irreversible damage to DNA in human cells in vitro and in mice in vivo.15,16 Such damage to DNA may increase the risk of cancer and birth defects. AMPA damaged DNA in human cells in vitro at doses of 2.5- 7.5mM and caused breaks in chromosomes at 1.8mM.16
An in vitro study showed that irradiation corresponding to a few minutes of sun exposure greatly amplified the DNA-damaging effects of glyphosate on mammalian cells. The glyphosate metabolite AMPA proved even more damaging, provoking cellular toxic effects from 0.5 ppb, a low environmentally relevant dose that can be found in European rivers and even in drinking water. The effects were even greater when glyphosate was mixed with other pesticides (the so-called “cocktail effect”), including atrazine. The authors concluded that “the Directive Standards for Pesticides in Drinking Water should be re-evaluated according to these underestimated factors of risk”.17
See 遺伝子組み換え Myths & Truths by real scientists who want to protect all of us from corrupt science.