



  1. World Health Organization of UN declares glyphosate "probable carcinogen"Glyphosate Induces Growth in Human Breast Cancer Cells- Thangprakaisang 
  2. 研究:グリホサートは非ホジキンリンパ腫のリスクを倍増
  3. G丸に対するグリホサートの害, Glyphosate damage to human placenta Co-formulants of glyphosate herbicides are endocrine disruptors
  4. Destructive effects of Glyphosate on Beneficial Chicken Gut BacteriaGlyphosate causes antibiotic resistance
  5. グリホサートはラットで神経毒性「アメリカンマインドメルト」を引き起こす
  6. Roundup Causes Liver Disease at Small Amounts Allowed by the EPA- Antoniou
  7. グリホサートは魚の心血管毒性を誘発する
  8. EPA Risk Assessment on active chemical ingredient, Co-Formulants of Roundup 1000x more toxic in Human Cells than glyphosate alone
  9. 記録はEPAがモンサントとの調整でグリホサートのレビューを遅らせたことを示している
  10. 動物および人間のグリホサート残留物の検出
  11. Organic Agriculture Benefits Revealed In New Long-Term Study From Rodale Institutewww.weedtechnics.com




  1. Glyphosate is a carcinogen - IARC (International Agency for Research on Cancer) branch of WHO (World Health Organization) declared glyphosate a probable carcinogen- and CA EPA’s OEHHA (Office of Environmental Health Hazard Assessment) placed glyphosate on Prop 65 carcinogen list on 7月 7, 2017. Thangprakaisang study showed glyphosate induced the growth of breast cancer cells in in-vitro at 1ppt (1 part per trillion is the equivalent of 1 drop in 22 olympic sized swimming pools).

  2. There are nearly 1000 lawsuits pending against the manufacturers of glyphosate-based herbicides for non-Hodgkin Lymphoma. The above study shows a 50% increase of NHL when exposed to glyphosate herbicides.

  3. Proven endocrine disruptor- which means it causes birth defects, damage to testes, sperm quality, sterility, infertility, sex hormone changes, developmental delays, and miscarriage.  As quoted in Wikipedia -- "Endocrine disruptors are chemicals that can interfere with endocrine (or hormone) systems at certain doses. These disruptions can cause cancerous tumors, birth defects, and other developmental disorders. Any system in the body controlled by hormones can be derailed by hormone disruptors."

  4. Patented antibiotic- meaning absorbed through drift, ingestion or contact it can destroy beneficial bacteria in our bodies and weaken the immune system. Studies have shown glyphosate can increase antibiotic resistance. 

  5. Glyphosate herbicides also act as a neurotoxin and can disrupt hormones which prevent addiction, depression, mental illness and acts of violence.  Proven to be a neurotoxin: 20 + year study showed children who lived in areas where pesticides were sprayed had lowered IQ. Chemicals that cause neurotoxic damage contribute to mental disorders such as dementia, Alzheimer's, and autism.

  6. Proven to cause non-alcoholic fatty liver disease at ultra-low levels in study by Antoniou et al.- According to the Liver Foundation 1 out of 10 Americans now have liver disease.

  7. グリホサートは、魚やカキなどの海洋生物に悪影響を及ぼすことが示されています。水路への農薬の流出の90%は、街路、歩道、公園、遊び場でのグリホサートの都市部での使用によるものです。

  8. Glyphosate herbicides are not safe. Although the manufacturer and EPA claim that glyphosate herbicides are safe, and it would be understandable for the Governor to believe that they are, the fact is that the policy of the EPA is to only require safety testing of one ingredient in the pesticide, not the full formulation. So the products as they are used in our state have not been shown to be safe at any amount. To say that these pesticides are safe is scientifically unfounded. In fact, the other ingredients in the formulation have been proven to be 1000X more toxic than glyphosate alone.

  9. The discovery process of a recent lawsuit against Monsanto showed that EPA employees colluded with Monsanto to cover up evidence of harm from glyphosate herbicides. The lead toxicologist at Monsanto was shown to have edited out data which suggested glyphosate may cause miscarriages.

  10. Glyphosate has shown to bioaccumulate in the organs and bones of animals. This means even very small amounts of glyphosate can bioaccumulate and later cause harm.

  11. Safe alternatives such as steam weed control, mulch, and organic regenerative farming techniques are available. Studies show organic regenerative agriculture can produce comparable to higher yields, improves soil quality, protects farm workers and consumers from toxins.



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  • Or to the state to care for elderly with dementia?





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