

Dear Bayer Board of Directors: Warner Baumann, Chairman; Liam Condon, Crop Science; Hartmut Klusik, Human Resources, Technology & Sustainability; Kemal Malik, Innovation; Wolfgang Nickl, Finance; Stefan Oelrich, Pharmaceuticals; and Heiko Schipper, Consumer Health

The independent 科学 is clear.









Resources of all health impacts can be found on www.momsacrossamerica.org/data


Leona Thompson
Susan Maloney
Susan Howlett
Renee Rosignoli
Brenda Weissberg
Karen Mac
carol macintosh
Hilary Bilkis
Jennifer Luttrell
Jen Scheidel
Alexistori Gonzalez
Justin St.Germain
Alyssa Arroyo
Judy Schriebman
Marilyn Axtell
Ken Taylor
Barbara Bogard
marlowe rafelle
Patricia Pagaling
francesca testa
william Dush
Jesus Hernandez
Cody Jerome
Cynthia Frey
Anne Call



  • Leona Thompson
    署名した 2020-01-17 10:17:54 -0500
  • Susan Maloney
    署名した 2020-01-17 10:01:57 -0500
  • Susan Howlett
    署名した 2020-01-17 09:42:16 -0500
  • Renee Rosignoli
    署名した 2020-01-17 09:08:30 -0500
  • Brenda Weissberg
    署名した 2020-01-17 09:03:31 -0500
    Purveyors of poison. for the good of our future generations STOP selling this poison!
  • Karen Mac
    署名した 2020-01-17 08:37:22 -0500
  • carol macintosh
    署名した 2020-01-17 08:18:15 -0500
    carol macintosh please stop it….PLEASE
  • H. Serafina
    @SerafinaRising このページへのツイートされたリンク。 2020-01-17 08:17:10 -0500
    請願書に署名:バイエル:売り上げ停止肝臓病、先天性欠損症、流産の原因となる化学物質を引き起こすこの癌で地球を毒するのを止めてください! https://www.momsacrossamerica.com/bayer_stop_selling_roundup?recruiter_id=182735
  • Hilary Bilkis
    署名した 2020-01-17 08:16:47 -0500
  • Jennifer Luttrell
    署名した 2020-01-17 07:57:18 -0500
  • Jen Scheidel
    署名した 2020-01-17 06:42:36 -0500
  • Alexistori Gonzalez
    @Alexistori5 このページへのツイートされたリンク。 2020-01-11 14:42:27 -0500
    請願書に署名:バイエル:売り上げ停止肝臓病、先天性欠損症、流産の原因となる化学物質を引き起こすこの癌で地球を毒するのを止めてください! https://www.momsacrossamerica.com/bayer_stop_selling_roundup?recruiter_id=154262
  • Alexistori Gonzalez
    署名した 2020-01-11 14:42:14 -0500
    Alexistori T Gonzalez
  • Justin St.Germain
    署名した 2020-01-02 13:25:30 -0500
    You’ve attempted to bury the data; but the truth can’t be buried. Your product harms soil bacteria, and consequently harms everything up the food chain, including your sons and daughters. You’ll reap what you sow. Stop now.
  • Alyssa Arroyo
    経由で署名 2019-12-24 02:47:04 -0500
  • Judy Schriebman
    署名した 2019-12-15 01:30:11 -0500
    I love wine but I hate toxic pesticides. We now know that Roundup is residual in the soil and is uptaken by plants over time. Please stop using this toxic product. It will be decades to reduce the damage done to our planet by this lying sack of crap company that hid the information. They should be in jail and their assets taken as compensation.
  • Marilyn Axtell
    署名した 2019-12-13 20:00:19 -0500
    If you want more lawsuits, keep selling this poison!
  • Ken Taylor
    署名した 2019-12-13 14:06:16 -0500
  • Anne Temple
    published this page in アクション 2019-12-13 00:10:40 -0500
  • Barbara Bogard
    署名した 2019-12-12 19:55:22 -0500
  • Simone
    署名した 2019-12-11 17:03:06 -0500
  • marlowe rafelle
    署名した 2019-12-10 00:31:33 -0500
    marlowe d rafelle
  • Patricia Pagaling
    署名した 2019-12-09 19:49:08 -0500
  • francesca testa
    経由で署名 2019-12-06 11:22:04 -0500
  • スーザン・モルノー
    経由で署名 2019-12-02 19:03:31 -0500
  • william Dush
    経由で署名 2019-12-02 17:26:50 -0500
    Roundup cause lymphoma I am proof . I used and been exposed to Roundup through my job and my personal use for 28 years and now have follicular non-hodgkin’s lymphoma
  • Jesus Hernandez
    経由で署名 2019-12-02 17:08:05 -0500
  • Cody Jerome
    経由で署名 2019-12-02 16:50:24 -0500
  • Cynthia Frey
    経由で署名 2019-12-02 16:48:00 -0500
  • Anne Call
    経由で署名 2019-12-02 16:05:42 -0500

