Many of our moms, including myself, have experienced the loss of a baby through miscarriage, stillbirth, or infant death. The grief is indescribable and can be isolating.
It is our intention to do whatever we can to prevent such loss for others.
We have composed a simple survey, asking women who have experienced such loss to answer 10 questions. We hope this process, which could make a huge difference for thousands or millions of other families, will be a small part of the mother’s healing.
When we make an effort to make a difference for others, we can create strength. When our experiences matter to others, they are not in vain, and we find meaning. When we express ourselves, we can begin to feel peace.
Thank you for taking this brief survey.
Please share it with other women.
Together we are stronger.
With Love,
Mother to 3 boys, 1 angel
A: Yes
A: Yes
A: I did not get vaccinated
A: No
A: No
A: No
A: [email protected]
Sara French
SD 57104
A: no
A: no reason
A: No, my doctor and I did not report it.
A: no
A: tetanus shot was after my prior child was born, before getting pregnant with the child that went to heaven with a miscarriage
A: tetanus
A: No
A: Yes
A: I had a miscarriage about 15 years ago – before the Covid vaxx was available. I wasn’t given a reason by my OBGYN. It happened at the 3-month mark.
A: No
A: No
A: No one gave me any explanations for my daughters issues after the vaccine.
A: No, my doctor and I did not report it.
A: No
A: The 2 times I have miscarried was due to low thyroid issues. I was 8 weeks both times 😢😭 But I’m here to report our reaction to the H1N1 vaccine.
A: H1N1 Vaccine from 2009.
A: other
A: No
A: No
A: I had an adverse reaction with the H1N1 vaccine while pregnant in 2009. My daughter survived but had several issues during birth
Now she is 12 and is autistic and wants to be trans and start going by Tom. I love her and truly support her decision but wish she didn’t want to change. I know the vaccine caused all of our issues. Three hours after getting it I went into preterm labor with my daughter. She was born with Pyloric Stenosis and several other issues. My midwife said it “couldn’t have possibly been related to the H1N1 vaccine” but I KNOW it was😭😭
A: No