Join me in Investing in Moms Across America - Dr. Sunny Raleigh - Moms Across America

Join me in Investing in Moms Across America - Dr. Sunny Raleigh

Dr. Sunny Raleigh - mother, osteopathic doctor, and co-director of Regeneration Health Clinic. 


I support Moms Across America because I am excited about the shift our supporters are creating across the country by getting active and taking matters into their own hands. As a doctor, I see the devastating effects of the toxic burden from our food and environmental toxins on children every day. The number one factor in getting those children better is a dedicated mom with a strong network to find the solutions that work for them. The campaign I am calling for contributions for is the development of the Moms Connect App, a network that brings together mothers in their neighborhoods, states, or nationwide to protect and create healthy communities. This Moms Across America initiative is the answer to the challenges we are facing on current social media - censoring, engineered divisiveness, and misinformation. When moms get together and connect locally to tackle issues such as pesticide spraying, access to organic food, reducing exposure to EMFs, and pesticide spraying all of our communities grow in health and unity. We need to grow our team to reach millions! Will you join my chain of Moms for Moms for the current and future generations to be healthy and empowered by supporting the Moms Connect App development today?

Goal: $10,000

Who's donating

Melissa VerDuin
Contributions are tax deductible.

Showing 2 reactions

  • Melissa VerDuin
    donated 2020-12-24 05:50:21 -0500
  • 禅ハニーカット
    published this page 2020-11-12 15:17:38 -0500

