

Dear Orange County Ag Commissioner and City Council,


You may have recently learned that there is a common practice which has recently been acknowledged as unsafe by the federal EPA and ithas been happening in our city for decades. Just this week, and many times over the past few weeks, many Mission Viejo residents have eye witnessed the spraying of Roundup herbicide on our public areas: parks, schools, streets and sidewalks, without any barriers to “keep people and pets away until dried,” as directed on the label. This precaution may not seem necessary, as we have all been told for 20 years that this product is safe, however recent science repeatedly shows the contrary.  In fact, the World Health Organization has deemed this chemical a probable carcinogen and nearly 700 lawsuits are currently pending against the manufacturer, Monsanto, for the link to non Hodgkin’s Lymphoma. In fact the California EPA is planning on listing glyphosate as a probable carcinogen through and Prop 65. The people suing used Roundup around their homes or worked as pesticide applicators. The risk to workers and residents is not worth the cosmetic “benefit”.

市は、労働者にもたらされる可能性のある損害については責任を負わない、製造業者の責任であると感じるかもしれませんが、これらの労働者に仕事をしてこれらの化学物質を使用することを要求するのは都市です。また、ラベルに記載されているとおり、OC Public Worksが4時間にわたってバリケードなしで除草剤を散布することを許可することも市の決定です。子供、ペット、人々は、塗布後すぐにこれらのエリアに直接入り、これらの化学物質と接触します。私の犬は後端で発疹のようなman癬を発症し、1、2日後に、私たちの地元の公園で座っていた草の領域にRoundupが散布されたことに気付きました。その草で覆われた領域は茶色で乾燥しており、造園家はラウンドアップを散布したことを認めました。次のページで写真を見ることができます。

We are asking that our city discontinue the use of glyphosate based herbicides and toxic chemicals like 2,4-D and use organic alternatives or labor instead. Avenger, vinegar, boiling water or steam and incinerating tools are all available. Many Scouts and college students need community service projects. Community groups could also be formed to pull weeds. Bending over to pull weeds is still possible. Many cities in Connecticut, Oregon areas of San Francisco and most recently, Irvine have stopped spraying Roundup and 2,4-D completely. The fact is we would rather have a bit of grass growing up between the sidewalks than hear about another 8 year old child with cancer.

予防策を講じる必要があります。癌に関する大統領評議会によると、2人の男性のうち1、3人の女性のうち1が今日アメリカで癌になると予想されています。安全に取り組む都市として、公共エリアに発がん性の可能性のある物質を散布することで、これらの悲劇的な統計に良心で貢献することはできなくなりました。有機メソッドを優先し、グリホサートと2,4 -Dを無料で使用し、代替手段を使用することを選択するようお願いします。

In the meantime of making this decision we ask that you follow the laws and immediately require all workers to use yellow caution tape and cones (not signs that pets and children cannot read) and block off the areas sprayed for 4 hours as is directed on the label. This means along roadsides, parks, sidewalks and parking lots. We also ask that you put an advisory in your bulletin that homeowners that use Roundup are also required to follow the label and block off the area they spray in front of their homes as directed as well. Taking this action will not only protect the city and fellow neighbors from potential lawsuits but it will protect the health of our people and pets.


We know you want a safe and healthy city as much as we do. We urge you to consider that the concept that we “need” to spray any chemical at all is simply untrue. We have had civilizations with parks and sidewalks for hundreds of years without the use of toxic chemicals. Only in the past 20 years have people been convinced by clever marketing from the chemical companies that we need their products. We simply do not need them, and frankly we can no longer afford them. The cost to our society is too great. Please see the following photos and information to support this request and click on the links to see the scientific studies. Thank you





Roundup / Glyphosateベースの除草剤に関する情報

モンサントの代表的な製品であるRound Upの主要成分である18.9グリホサートは、1974で最初に商業的に販売されて以来、世界中で使用されています。-Charles Benbroook



この論文は、過去10年で1974が散布されてから適用されたグリホサートの総量の約2 / 3を示しています。この発見は、グリホサートがリンパ系(血液)系の癌に関連する可能性のあるヒト発癌物質であることを考えると、公衆衛生に重要な意味を持ちます。



Scientific studies showing neurotoxicity, placental cell death, non Hodgkin’s lymphoma growth of breast cancer cells, destruction of gut bacteria and to be a neurotoxin*, from the exposure to glyphosate, can be found at http://www.momsacrossamerica.com/data

* 5 Amエリカンのうち1は精神疾患に苦しんでおり、暴力行為につながる可能性があり、学習障害は米国の教育予算の半分を占めています。市民への有毒な負担を減らすことは、すべての人々の健康、公共の安全、および機会を改善し、より幸せな都市と国家につながります。


Ie: Organic citrus product called “Avenger” http://action.greens.org.nz/glyphosate

If you consider the cost increase of Avenger or increased labor, it would not be accurate to also consider the health costs to our citizens and city health care costs. How much have your health care costs risen in the past ten years, when 70% of all the glyphosate that has ever been sprayed has been used? The health issues connected to glyphosate are diabetes, Crohn’s. Colitis IBS, autoimmune issues like psoriasis, eczema, lupus and non Hodgkin’s Lymphoma, autism and cancer. The risk of lawsuits impacting the city coffers is also a factor.






Roundup product clearly states to keep sprayers away from area for 4 hours. If sprayers are meant to be kept away while they are wearing protective clothing, for 4 hours it would only make sense to keep citizens away who are not wearing protective clothing for at least the same amount of time, if not longer.





Glyphosate test results by the United States Geological Survey show levels of glyphosate in CA streams up to 7.5ppBillion and in Santa Ana river 6.6 ppBillion. It only takes .1 pp Trillion to stimulate the growth of breast cancer cells and .1pp Billion to destroy beneficial gut bacteria, leading to gut brain behavior issues. Tap water levels detected .086 ppb in my home and 8.7ppb in my son at the same time as sudden onset of autism symptoms due to gut dysbiosis. Studies show 30% of glyphosate stays in the body and can collect over time. When we removed glyphosate exposure, put Reverse Osmosis on our tap and restored his gut flora with beneficial bacteria, six weeks later his  glyphosate levels were no longer detectable and his autism symptoms were gone and never came back.

56% of glyphosate used worldwide is used on GM crops, this means 54% of glyphosate used worldwide is used by city workers, schools, landscapers, and individuals.   The chemicals do not biodegrade as claimed and seeps into river and waterways.

研究によると、グリホサートは暗い塩水で315日間生存し続け、 5.2 ppmを超えるレベルで白いエビを殺します。妊婦が街でグリホサートの散布にさらされている場合、私たちは自分自身に尋ねなければなりません、子宮の中には何がありますか?暗い塩水。 6週齢の胎児のサイズは?エビの大きさです。最も脆弱な人々を保護する必要があります。不妊率は記録された歴史の中で最も高く、若いカップルの30%が複数の損失を経験しています。私たちは市民のためにより良くすることができます。




Spraying Rodeo.jpg

ロスアリソス小学校4月 2016

Roundup spraying Mission Viejo 4月 2016 (5).jpg


私の犬が座って発疹になった歩道でのデルセロエレメンタリー4月 2016による「ドルフィンパーク」。

Roundup spraying Mission Viejo 4月 2016 (7).jpg



Roundup spraying Mission Viejo 4月 2016 (6).jpg





sprayed playground.png

We ask for you to immediately block areas off with caution tape and to take steps to discontinue the use of glyphosate based herbicides and toxic chemicals (pesticides, herbicides, fungicides and rodenticides) and use organic alternatives instead.


-Zen Honeycuttおよびカリフォルニア州オレンジ郡の関係者

UPDATE: In August of 2018, school pesticide applicator Dwayne "Lee" Johnson, who is dying of Non-Hodgkin's Lymphoma, was awarded 289.2 million dollars from Monsanto by a California Supreme Court jury. Monsanto was found guilty of acting with "malice and oppression," meaning they knew their glyphosate products could cause cancer and the company executives suppressed the information. As of 9月 2018, over 8,000 more Roundup users are filing lawsuits against Monsanto. 



