A: We recommend not giving children cell phones. A major U.S. government-funded study recently confirmed cell phone radiation causes brain tumors in animals. The WHO's International Agency for Research on Cancer classifies the radiation from a cell phone as a Group 2B 'Possible Carcinogen'. Over a dozen countries presently warn about risks to children from cell phones and microwave radiation-emitting devices, and several countries also ban advertising to children The official Russian Federation advises persons under 18 to not use mobile phones at all, and that there be courses in school for children advising of the risks. Just recently, on 9月 2016, the Israel Education Ministry completely prohibited the use of cell phones in the classroom, for health and psychological reasons. If on occasion you do permit a child to use a cell phone, it would best be used for quick check-ins, using a wired headset or speakerphone, and not for games, research or entertainment. Adults and children, alike, would be well-advised to use a hard-wired computer at home for accessing the internet for these purposes and to use mobile devices infrequently, for very brief durations.
A: Some think texting is safer. This is true because one's head receives significantly less radiofrequency radiation (RF) exposure while texting, however, understands there still is radiation exposure occurring with texting, just to other parts of the body, and over the course of a day these exposures can add up. Note that psychologists also warn texting encourages 'dissociation', where a child can become disconnected from themselves and lose the ability to be fully present in relationships. Serial and heavy texting may have important consequences for children in the formative years so it's important to think of both the physical effects of mobile devices from the radiation as well as their impact on mental health. Minimizing the use of mobile devices in children, whether calls or texting, except for emergencies, and encouraging greater human interactions where true relationships can be formed is the most prudent strategy.
A: The short answer is yes. The nervous system needs variability and constantly staring into a screen certainly doesn't foster that. In fact, the rigidity of constant focus on a computer can make it hard to pull away. (Watch the video of Michael Gilbert here.)
Q: We have WiFi at home. Is it difficult to change to a hard-wired internet connection?
A: Video games offer a lot of fun and sense of community in online competitive gaming, but playing online games can be highly addictive. Too much time playing video games can render children (as well as adults) alone and feeling lost in a fantasy world, and coping quite poorly in the reality of life. While it is important that parents set hard boundaries on games, also understand fantasy and imagination in children is normal, if used in the context of the play, or if connected internally to oneself through visualization. These should be encouraged. Mindfulness meditation strengthens the parts of the brain being worn down in video gaming. Watch the video with New York psychiatrist and brain science expert Joe Loizzo, MD, Ph.D. He says mindfulness meditation can actually reshape the mind and brain, and manually override tendencies to addiction, and that is "the right tool for the job".
A:確かに、CNN onlineは最近、米国の10代の若者の50%以上がスマートフォンに夢中になっていると感じていると報告しました。技術依存症は、できるだけ早い機会に対処する必要があります。彼らが毎日テクノロジーから離れ、人間関係や野外活動に向かうのを手伝うことをお勧めします。また、専門家の指導とサポートを求めることをお勧めします。これらのデバイスから放出される放射線がエンドルフィンを生成することを認識してください。これは、ほとんど評価されていない依存症の理由の1つです。これは、インターネットで長期間過ごす場合、有線接続でそうする理由です。
A: Keep up on this subject and what parents and schools are doing across the country and the world to address WiFi in schools at Facebook group, Campaign for Radiation Free Schools. In some cases, WiFi is being pulled out of schools, in others parents are choosing to home school, and tech-free schools are being started. Some are switching children to Rudolf Steiner schools, many of which limit technology on philosophical grounds in the younger years and are becoming EMF savvy. The first legal case against a private school is in Massachusetts, where parents for a 12-year old boy are suing for accommodation under the American With Disabilities Act. Already, a teacher who is sensitive to the radiation has been granted accommodation in Los Angeles. This situation is unfolding. Join Campaign for Radiation Free Schools and ask for help. There is a vast repository of compelling documents and videos posted there with which to educate parents, teachers and schools, including a detailed critique of the National Association of Independent School's misleading statement on WiFi, a great place to start. To learn more, click here. https://www.facebook.com/groups/110896245588878/
A: If there is a radiating smart meter on the other side of the wall from human living environments, bedroom or otherwise, this is a significant risk. A bank of smart meters can be a truly extraordinary risk. The first step is to measure the exposures and make sure the new meters are emitting radiation and are not the old analog meters, which were hard-wired and did not present this risk. We suggest you consult a building biologist for a professional assessment. A list of credentialed assessors is posted at the International Institute for Building Biology and Ecology on www.hbelc.org
A: Some families insist electronics not be brought to the table. Someplace a box in the center of the table where each person must place their phone in the OFF mode. And other families have drawn a line and simply do not allow children to use these devices unless in an emergency. We suggest you think it through and develop an electronics policy for your family based on your values.
A: Smart meters are not safe at all. The meters on people's houses emit radiofrequency radiation and there are hub locations in neighborhoods where the signals pass on their way to the utility. Many people are getting sick after placing one of these meters on their house but may aren't connecting the dots. When you are able to opt-out of a smart meter and keep your analog meter, do so! Opting out, however, will not protect you from your neighbor's smart meter emissions, nor from the new layer of radiation in your neighborhood so it is an incomplete solution.
家の外にあるスマートメーターの上に金属製のケージを置いて、外の放射線を制限する人もいますが、過熱したり、家の中にそれ以上の放射線を押し付けたりしないように注意する必要があります。 RFメーターは、特定のソリューションで何が達成されたか、およびアプローチによって他の方法で曝露が増加したかどうかを正確に確認するために常に必要です。建築生物学者の助けを強くお勧めします。 www.hbelc.orgで専門家を見つけてください。
スマートメーターはまた、「ダーティエレクトリック」と呼ばれる、家の配線に高周波過渡現象を発生させます。これも生物学的に性であり、癌に関連しています。 StetzerまたはGreenwaveフィルターを使用して、コンセントに配置することでシールドすることができます。または、家全体のフィルターを購入して、建築生物学者の助けを借りて設置することもできます。
2)受賞歴のあるドキュメンタリーTakeBack YourPower」(https://takebackyourpower.net/)
3)米国で最も古く、最大の広報フォーラムであるコモンウェルスクラブオブカリフォルニアの動画をご覧ください。 http://electromagnetichealth.org/electromagnetic-health-blog/video-the-high-road-to-a-true-smart-grid/.
4。あなた自身のケースを作ろう! EMFセーフティストアから少なくとも2層の2ウェイストレッチ反射素材を入手し、選択した生地で覆います。電話を完全に覆います。
5。 iPhone、iPad、その他のデバイス用のPongケースを入手してください。このケースは、電話の放射線の一部を人の頭から外側に向け、曝露を大幅に減らすように見えます。これは、スピーカーフォンや有線ヘッドセットを使用する場合ほど効果的ではないことに注意してください。これは、使用するほど保護的ではないことを認識してください
RFメーターは、マスマーケット向けには設計されていませんが、保護ケースを使用している場合でも、自分の曝露を真に知る唯一の方法として、ますます必要なっています。 www.EMFSafetystore.comの8GhzRFメーターは、ルーター、電話、携帯電話、ワイヤレスプリンターなどを測定するための優れたオプションです。別のオプションは、Acousticom 2 RFメーターです。これは、本質的に、 RFが検出されると点灯します。
*If you have any questions for Camilla Rees, our expert EMF resource, please email us at [email protected].