faq-vaccines - Moms Across America




At Moms Across America, we believe that the intention of vaccines, like that of GMOs, was originally noble. However, like GMOs, they are simply not working as intended.  

Some vaccines do not prevent the transmission, contraction, or death from the disease as intended. Many come with side effects that most parents are not informed of before making their decision.


私たちは、州がすべての子供またはすべての子供に治療を義務付けるべきではないと信じています 人間。人間は独特で、異なっています ミトコンドリアと遺伝学 反応が異なります。この国はに設立されました 自由。私たちは、個人の健康、個人的、宗教的、および親の権利が尊重されなけれならないと信じています。


多くのことに注意する必要があります ワクチンの成分 今ではありそうです 遺伝子組み換え 固有の健康リスクを伴うが、開示されていない生物。


the precept that an action should not be taken if the consequences are uncertain and potentially dangerous


We believe the science shows that some children, such as those with a mutated MTFHR gene or other mitochondrial dysfunction disorders, can be more highly disposed to experience vaccine damage, and have been harmed by vaccines, with life-long effects.  

It is our opinion that too little is known about mRNA vaccines, genetic instructions, and potential long-term effects to mandate this vaccine or administer it to children, especially.

We believe that many of the current ingredients and contaminants in vaccines and the levels of those ingredients and contaminants are most harmful to fetuses, infants, and small children, and can be harmful to adults. Specifically, the levels of some ingredients such as aluminum, mercury, and Polysorbate 80 which are there to provoke the immune system to make the vaccine more effective are proven to be harmful. Polyethylene glycol or PEG (found in the COVID vaccines) has been shown to cause anaphylaxis and psychotropic events (as used in Miralax). The other ingredients - aborted fetal tissue, animal cells, other foreign DNA GMOs and contaminants, glyphosate herbicide -  have never been tested for safety when injected into pregnant mothers and infants and independently have been shown to cause great harm at levels lower than what has been detected in vaccines. Two chemicals, in particular, Polysorbate 80 (ingredient) and glyphosate (contaminant from animal product ingredients)  have been reported to break down the blood-brain barrier and allow toxins into the brain, such as other ingredients in vaccines and/or other environmental pollutants. One ingredient in many vaccines, aluminum, has been found at higher levels in the brains of deceased patients of autism and Alzheimer's. We believe this issue is a major contributing factor to the growing vaccine damage happening today.


We believe that the CDC recommended vaccine schedule (which has been not been tested with placebos for efficacy and safety) of 49 doses by age 12 and 69 doses of 20 vaccines by age 18 is too many for most human beings to endure, contributing to toxic burden and many health and behavioral issues. The liver and kidneys of an infant or small child are not fully developed and therefore their bodies are physically incapable of detoxing the heavy metals and chemicals in vaccines the way most adults could.

私たちは次のような医師の報告を信じています ポール・トーマス博士 これは、両親が特定のワクチンを3歳以降まで延期し、すべてのワクチンを5歳以降まで特定の家族歴があり、一度に1つのワクチンを投与すると、自閉症を含むワクチンによる傷害の発生がはるかに少ないことを示しています。 。

We believe that many adults, especially those in the military, where vaccines are mandatory and go above and beyond the recommended CDC schedule, can and are being vaccine-damaged by the number and ingredients/contaminants of mandatory vaccines.

私達はことを知っています 1つのワクチンでも 子供に危害を加える可能性がある 大人、そしてそのリスクは親または成人の個人が想定する必要があります。 インフォームドコンセント 医学的介入は極めて重要な自由であり、私たちはそれが常に尊重されるべきであると信じています。


CDCの所有権は 56ワクチン特許ワクチンによる危害に関する情報を隠蔽するための実証済みの試み、 ビッグファーマの影響で CDCの信頼できない情報源 ワクチンの有効性の。

We believe that the lack of studies using a placebo in the control group instead of another vaccine is a misleading practice by the vaccine manufacturers and an inaccurate way for the CDC and FDA to ascertain the safety and efficacy of vaccines.


We find it unacceptable that the National Childhood Vaccine Injury Act of 1986 was passed to prevent patients and their parents from suing and holding vaccine manufacturers, doctors, or the CDC liable for vaccine damage. Vaccine manufacturers should be as liable, accountable, and transparent as a car seat company.  

We believe that there are many more victims from vaccine damage than is represented by the more than 4 billion dollars that have been paid out by the National Vaccine Injury Compensation Program (funded by taxpayers). It is estimated that less than 10% of all vaccine injuries ever get reported appropriately.  Due to the cost of representation, it is reported that a very small percentage of the victims actually make it to the vaccine court, even less receive damages.

In fact, research has shown that unvaccinated children are healthier, and get sick less frequently, than vaccinated children. Those who do get sick with a wild virus also have a lifetime immunity from the illness, rather than a short-term immunity from a vaccine virus.

私たちは、トリプルボード認定によって示唆されているように、これらの証明された自然な方法で免疫システムを構築するためのものです ザックブッシュ、MD, and many other health experts:

  1. 屋外で十分な時間を過ごし、多種多様なバクテリアを吸い込みます。 ミクロビオームのバランスを取り、 これは免疫システムの拠点です。
  2. オーガニック、 発酵(プレバイオティクスおよびプロバイオティクス) 可能な限り植物ベースの地元のホールフーズ。ニンニク、タマネギ、ターメリック、ゴジベリー、ケール、ザワークラウトなどの免疫力を高める食品は、腸内細菌を劇的に改善し、免疫システムを強化します。
  3. 削除 加工糖、未発酵小麦粉製品、および食事からの加工食品。
  4. Daily supplementation with trace minerals, Vitamin D, C, B complex, and/or methylfolate if advised by an integrative doctor.
  5. 屋外での時間と健康的な食事に加えて、運動、笑い、肉体的な愛情、注意は、依然として最も効果的な予防策のいくつかです。


詳細については、を参照してください。 バーバラ・ロエ・フィッシャーの作品と 国立ワクチン情報センター ロバートF.ケネディジュニアの訴訟を支援します 子供の健康防衛。 

Sound Choice PharmaceuticalInstituteの創設者兼主任科学者であるテレサデイシャー博士をお読みください。 議員への公開書簡 ワクチン中の胎児細胞DNAに関して。 

予防接種の電子書籍- 1200研究-予防接種をするかしないか? 何千人もの研究者が加わっています。

ワクチンインサート:  これはあなたの医者が予防接種をするときに彼らの患者に(法律によって)与えるべきであるすべてのワクチン挿入物のリストです- 一部の米国認可ワクチンおよび免疫グロブリンの添付文書および製造業者。


We invite you to review and use or use part of the following letter: click here.



  • レスリープレストン
    コメントした 2021-04-20 22:09:59 -0400
  • レスリープレストン
    コメントした 2021-04-03 09:03:41 -0400
  • レスリープレストン
    コメントした 2021-04-03 09:02:40 -0400
    the film they don’t want you to see about vaccinations

    Dr. Cynthia Foster- wholistic doctor’s view on vaccines
  • レスリープレストン
    コメントした 2021-03-31 12:45:17 -0400
    The Israeli article I posted above is about the possibility of having nation creating a “green passport” which would be a necessity to show you have been vaccinated in order to do things- chips away at medical freedom of choice

    this website talks about newer vaccine methods using RNA being developed-
    mRNA’s story likely will not end with COVID-19: Its potential stretches far beyond this pandemic
    Last month, a patent was approved for an RNA-based vaccine against malaria that showed promise in mice. “We’ve been working on this vaccine for years, but the entire landscape has changed in the last six months because of the success of COVID vaccines,” Richard Bucala, the vaccine’s co-inventor and a scientist at the Yale School of Medicine, told me. The malaria vaccine uses self-amplifying RNA, or saRNA, which is subtly distinct from the mRNA technology used by Moderna and Pfizer. The vaccines against COVID-19 work by injecting up front all of the messenger RNA that you’re going to get. But self-amplifying RNA is designed to replicate itself inside our cells. This copy-paste function means, in theory, that each person needs only a tiny dose of vaccine to have a large immune response.
  • レスリープレストン
    コメントした 2021-03-30 22:09:32 -0400
  • アン寺院
    このページを公開 2021-02-08 19:52:19 -0500

