Dr.Oz Petition to the President - Moms Across America

Dr.Oz Petition to the President

Did you watch the groundbreaking Dr.Oz episode on the new GMO pesticide Enlist DUO on Sept 22, 2014?


Click below to watch the sneak peak now. This link will be to the full episode as soon as they post it.


Dr.Oz does an amazing job at explaining the connection between GMOs and pesticides.


Dr. Oz hears from Mom Zen Honeycutt, founder of Moms Across America, about how her kids got better when they avoided GMOs and pesticides by eating organic.



He also takes a firm stand for the health of our kids by starting a petition to demand that the Presidents steps in and opposes the EPA's possible approval of this toxic pesticide. Let's show the world we appreciate this stand. Our voices matter. Our kids matter. The health of our nation matters.




THANK YOU for being partners in health and freedom in America!

Every Mom and supporter that marched in parades, handed out flyers, showed movie nights, talked with neighbors and friends, all of you made the invitation for me to share my experience (one of thousands) on the stage in front of millions. It was an honor to represent you.


Showing 6 reactions

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  • Shannon Nickelsen
    commented 2014-09-27 13:11:34 -0400
    I just sent a request from ‘We the People web site’ asking them to stop GMO’s & the poisoning of our food supply & Oppose the EPA in regards to this. Hopefully they will fix the sit so I can sign the petition.
  • Shannon Nickelsen
    commented 2014-09-27 13:07:54 -0400
    I was unable to sign the petition. It says there is an error!
  • Sue Coffman
    commented 2014-09-24 19:30:45 -0400
    This is wonderful to see it going Mainstream!! Come on EVERYONE, it only takes a minute to sign the petition & get our voices HEARD!!
  • Mercy Armstrong
    commented 2014-09-24 10:02:25 -0400
    THANK YOU DR. OZ!!!!!!!
    For taking a stand! … for us, our children, and our beautiful world!
    We are praying for your and your family’s safety!
    Thank you! Thank you! Thank you!
    BLESS YOU AND ALL YOUR FAMILY! You are a saint!
  • Mary Ross
    commented 2014-09-24 02:44:03 -0400
    Organics wear their labels with pride for good reasons! GMOs will lurk in the shadows and hide wherever they can AS LONG AS WE ALLOW THEM TO. Take a stand – make demands – WE HAVE A RIGHT TO KNOW!
  • Charles Sutherland
    commented 2014-09-23 09:27:43 -0400
    It’s about time people learn that “GMO crops are created to BE poisonous and to ABSORB poison” – injected with Bt toxins in kill crop-eating insects, and injected with chemicals to absorb the glyphosate in Roundup. Charles Sutherland

