Do you want to take ACTION and help create healthy families and communities? Thank you!!!
We have many ways you can get involved on our website, see the tabs above for petitions, testing, contributing data, speaking up to local officials and more.
See our イベント page for how you can start a group in your area and how beneficial it is to host an event. Post any event (coffee, movie night, or meetup) and get an email with a code for a free box of materials worth $125 or more!
See our 寄付する page to support our passionate pioneers for organic food across the country.
See our 材料 page to order a box of flyers to pass out in your neighborhood or leave a stack at your library.
Share our GMO情報 video library with friends by email of Facebook.
Share our データ page for scientific friends to ponder.
Share our Health Solutions Store with friends and family who want to restore their gut and reduce inflammation.
Whatever action you take, know that none is too small.
Even a smile and passing a brochure to a stranger can change hundreds of lives.
If you would like to ADD a SUGGESTED ACTION please do so below! Please rate the actions that you see posted to best give us an idea of what actions you would like to take!
Thank you!
Zen and MAA Team
Fix Question
A question asks what we would like to volunteer and says to check as many as we like; but, the question only allowed me to check one.