The Importance of Minerals
Our bodies are made up of a complex of over 70+ minerals as a mirror image of ocean water. All of the minerals work synergistically together contributing to our whole health, and each one in its infinitesimal proportions contributes vitally to every aspect of our physiology.
Complete Minerals and your Immune Power
Of particular note given their actual function in the body, full-spectrum minerals significantly support, expand, and strengthen our immune systems. With such systemic vitality and strength, we can achieve immunity and high resistance to viruses naturally because our bodies are vibrantly healthy with all systems moving and activated, This is called natural immunity as we are natively designed for and given the ability to have complete balanced minerals in our bodies. All viruses race around the world at rapid speed, and this includes Sars, Noro, influenza A, and the current covid, and as strong as some are a properly nourished body is a powerful necessary asset.
Of particular note given their actual function in the body, full-spectrum minerals significantly support, expand, and strengthen our immune systems. With such systemic vitality and strength, we can achieve immunity and high resistance to viruses naturally because our bodies are vibrantly healthy with all systems moving and activated, This is called natural immunity as we are natively designed for and given the ability to have complete balanced minerals in our bodies. All viruses race around the world at rapid speed, and this includes Sars, Noro, influenza A, and the current covid, and as strong as some are a properly nourished body is a powerful necessary asset.
Minerals and Cancer
Whole minerals accelerate the vitality of our internal organ functions, the nourishment of cells, and the creation of the ATP energy for all that we do through electrolytes. It's important to understand that naturally the stronger the body the more resistant it will be to the development of viruses and cancer is basically a virus. As Ben Franklin once said accurately, an ounce of prevention is worth a pound of cure. If we provide proper nourishment especially with the essentials ionic magnesium and all the related trace, it makes sense that the body keeps continually renewing, rebuilding and can maintain strong immunity.
Whole minerals accelerate the vitality of our internal organ functions, the nourishment of cells, and the creation of the ATP energy for all that we do through electrolytes. It's important to understand that naturally the stronger the body the more resistant it will be to the development of viruses and cancer is basically a virus. As Ben Franklin once said accurately, an ounce of prevention is worth a pound of cure. If we provide proper nourishment especially with the essentials ionic magnesium and all the related trace, it makes sense that the body keeps continually renewing, rebuilding and can maintain strong immunity.
Whole Minerals and Constipation
There's actually nothing more effective and better than the pure magnesium inherent in full-spectrum ocean minerals to relieve constipation. Pure magnesium balances the electrolytes between the body plasma and all the cells, alkalizing the entire body, and naturally drawing water into the large intestine regulating constipation easily. Not only that, but whole minerals also repair and rebuild the villi of the small intestine increasing absorption, and the walls of the large intestine because all the minerals are there. Wherever they are they nourish, activate, and rebuild as designed by nature with our deep connections to the oceans. MM
There's actually nothing more effective and better than the pure magnesium inherent in full-spectrum ocean minerals to relieve constipation. Pure magnesium balances the electrolytes between the body plasma and all the cells, alkalizing the entire body, and naturally drawing water into the large intestine regulating constipation easily. Not only that, but whole minerals also repair and rebuild the villi of the small intestine increasing absorption, and the walls of the large intestine because all the minerals are there. Wherever they are they nourish, activate, and rebuild as designed by nature with our deep connections to the oceans. MM
The human body requires substantial levels of minerals for the extraction and metabolism of nutrients. Yet our food supply no longer contains the minerals levels we need to successfully cope with daily life. We are at a deprivation point.
That is why we offer OmniBlue. It's a complete mineral replenishment system with all the minerals at concentrations appropriate for the body´s daily functions.
オムニブルー は、溶液から結晶化する塩の98%で太陽光発電され、100倍の濃度の海洋エッセンスを残します。 オムニブルー 小さじ1杯あたり (5 / ml)には、440 mgの純粋なマグネシウム、70 mgのカリウム、および70を超える他の相乗的にバランスの取れた微量元素が含まれています。
各8オンスボトルには、1日あたり1 tsp /で48用量、 1.5 tsp /日で30用量が含まれています。 GMP認定ラボ施設、環境に優しくリサイクル可能なコバルトブルーのBPAフリーPET素材で瓶詰めされています。