90 日のリセットを試してください:
90 日以内に、体自身の周波数を使用して幹細胞をリセットし始めます。
身体のツボの 1 つにパッチを 12 時間貼り付けてから、12 時間剥がすだけです。 90 日間毎日繰り返すと、より若く健康な状態に戻ります。
“When my dear friend introduced LifeWave patches to me, I was so grateful! Within an hour of placing a patch on, my sciatic pain went away. I also experienced significant relaxation and improvement in mood. I love that they don’t introduce chemicals into my family’s bodies and we are boosting stem cell production! I highly recommend LifeWave patches. And we thank you for supporting Moms Across America with your purchase!”
ここで他のお客様の声をご覧ください: https://www.frequencymoms.com/
*各パケット (またはスリーブ) には 30 個のパッチが含まれています。多少の注文も可能です。info@momsacrossamerica.org までメールでお問い合わせください。喜んでお手伝いさせていただきます。
A recent major scientific breakthrough in Stem Cell Technology activates your own stem cells and resets them to a younger, healthier state.
Try the 90 Day Reset:
In 90 days begin to reset your stem cells using your body’s own frequency.
Wearing a small patch every day will naturally reactivate your body’s ability to create stem cells that rebuild and repair your aging, damaged, stressed or inflamed cells.
Simply place a patch on one of your body’s acupressure points for 12 hours, then remove for 12 hours. Repeat every day for 90 days and get back to a younger, healthier state of being.
“When my dear friend introduced LifeWave patches to me, I was so grateful! Within an hour of placing a patch on, my sciatic pain went away. I also experienced significant relaxation and improvement in mood. I love that they don’t introduce chemicals into my family’s bodies and we are boosting stem cell production! I highly recommend LifeWave patches. And we thank you for supporting Moms Across America with your purchase!”
-Zen Honeycutt
See More Testimonials Here: https://www.frequencymoms.com/
*Each packet (or sleeve) contains 30 patches. It is possible to order more or less, please email us at info@momsacrossamerica.org and we will be happy to help you.